Tuesday, December 22, 2009


Caius Iulius as pontifex maximus. Separation of church and state? Ptah.


Tecumseh said...

Self-referential link? Day at the office for Herr "Dr Html, Pontificator Maximus" Rot.

My Frontier Thesis said...

I'm asking this seriously: is this supposed to be an insult? If so, please forgive me as I'm not used to Rot's massive jumps in logic and reason. If not, then please ignore my last two sentences.

Arelcao Akleos said...

Insult? Although Herr Rott can tell us if otherwise, I do highly doubt it. It sounds for all the world like another Monty Python moment in the life of a Wienermensch. Revel in the fine comedic uses of massive jumps in logic and reason, young man.

Tecumseh said...

Massive jumps in logic and reason. I love it. Herr Rott to a t.

Mr roT said...

No insult, MFT. In the sciences, we don't take it personally when one presents a counterexample.

As to the following thread of ad hominems, it seems the board has learned well from Pepe.

Arelcao Akleos said...

tu quoque's, as well.

Danke, Herr Pepe

Mr roT said...
