Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Hitchens Gives an Early Christmas Present to Foxhole Atheists

The point, or idea, in the argument most important is what is required to maintain a healthy Republic: the divide between Church and State. This not only so that the Church doesn't impose itself on the State, but also so that the State doesn't impose itself on the Church. It's a worthwhile ideal.

Here's a nifty excerpt:

"I am still not going to give any real names of [the atheist or agnostic] cadets attending my little event: there were about 20 of them, mostly males. Two of the group, one Baptist and one Mormon, had given up their faith since enlisting at the academy. The others fluctuated between doubt and agnosticism and straight-out unbelief. They were good-humored, outspoken, and tough-minded: the sort of people who make you proud of being defended by a volunteer military."

And on that note, an early Happy Christmas to FCP'ers as well.


Mr roT said...

They'll be exactly the ones to desert. You can't die for a deduction. It has to be a belief. Things made by man inspire no belief, particularly these days.

Mr roT said...

Another angle, does Hitch disapprove of the Jeebus-lovers that saved his birthplace from atheist Nazis?

My Frontier Thesis said...

JJ, that's quite the absolute you've laid down there in your first 10:41 AM post.

I sent this essay along to military members, and one of them (who happens to be in southern Afghanistan as I type, a front line medic) is about on par with my own personal interests in empiricism. He, like myself, still believes in duty, honor, and courage. And in a Republican Democracy. And in ideals set forth by Thomas Paine and Ben Franklin and Thomas Jefferson. He, unlike you or I, signed up for full-blown Army a couple years after 9/11, and also after traveling throughout Europe for a couple months, reading the greats of the western cannon.

Also, I enjoy telling atheists "Merry Christmas" this time of year just as much as I enjoy telling the super Evangelicals, "Seasons Greetings."

As for your 11:04 AM question: although I can't speak for Hitch, it's quite possible he'd play one theism off another. But to call the entire Allied Force "Jeebus-lovers" is another absolute you political animals are better at dealing with. The question is loaded from the get-go.

Mr roT said...

The western "cannon" is all Jeebus.

My Frontier Thesis said...

Yeah, Herodotus included.

Mr roT said...

A true republican.