Saturday, March 06, 2010

AA puts the P in PIGS

REGURGE: Portugal joins Hellas, but without Plato. Diogenes they've got.


Tecumseh said...

Work hard, Herr Rott, to help those poor PIGS pay up their debts. Are you paying 50% taxes + 20% VAT? If not, you should. Share the wealth, willya?

Tecumseh said...

I never you use the symbol \lesssim in my life. What does it mean?

Tecumseh said...

AA goes somewhere, the place goes downhill -- like clockwork. Stay away from Palau!

Mr roT said...

Yeah. Framingham was so nice once.

Arelcao Akleos said...

If you have not lived if you have not entered Paradise....and left it Hell.
Palau, here I come!

Mr roT said...

Killer of paradises!