Friday, March 12, 2010

The call of the wild

Jogging in the Alaska woods, surrounded by wolves--with no Sarah Palin shooting them from a circling chopper--is not such a good idea. Especially when the wolves are hungry.
In touch with the ground
I'm on the hunt I'm after you
Smell like I sound I'm lost in a crowd.
And I'm hungry like the wolf.
Straddle the line in discord and rhyme
I'm on the hunt I'm after you.
Mouth is alive with juices like wine
And I'm hungry like the wolf


Mr roT said...

"multiple injuries due to animal mauling".

I had nothing to do with it, though she was pretty toothsome...

Arelcao Akleos said...

And you, Herr, a wolf appropriately long in tooth?
Almost like Newton, we may say of Rotter: "We recognize the Wolf by his Jaw".

Tecumseh said...

Ah, but the Rotter is a wolf in sheep's clothing. That's how he gets close to dem jogging damsels, without raising their suspicion.

Mr roT said...

I thought it was the knock-out drops.