Monday, March 15, 2010

Good Luck, and Don't Fuck This Up For Us...

Click on the title link. Then use the magnifying glass to zoom in on the article. Such topics are:

"ALGORITHMS, MOFO! DO YOU SPEAK IT?! So how can you sum up the last 10,000 years of scientific discovery in a completely universal way? Easy: MATH. The aliens won't know who Pythagoras was, but they'll sure as shit know his theorem. The right triangle will show our alien visitors, without any doubt, that humans are scientific-minded..."


Tecumseh said...

Wiki wisdom:

My current favorite joke:

Rene Descartes goes to a bar and asks for a beer. Once he has finished his beer, the bar tender asks him: "would you like another beer?" Descartes answers: "I think not" at which point Descartes just evaporates away…..

By the way, did you know that poor Descartes practically froze to death at age 53 because he eventually accepted a third invitation (he refused twice) from Queen Christina of Sweden who then demanded early morning (say 6 am) lessons with the windows open, during February in Stockholm!
When she sent the invitation, the 6 foot tall Christina neglected to mention to Descartes that she often rode horses bareback during the winter in the snow in Sweden and liked to keep the windows open a lot. Note that in the painting on the right, while sitting she is almost as tall as Descartes (far right) standing up. I guess Descartes was used to French customs and royalty, and he used to usually stay in bed himself until noon and work and think there.

Mr roT said...

French wus. No wonder Pepean logik is superior.

Tecumseh said...

Did he at least get to fool around with the Queen? Or did he just freeze his balls off?

My Frontier Thesis said...

Stay on topic: algorithms and alien abductions.