Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Hey Tecs!

Could you watch this and your boy on Letterman and tell me who came off better? I only have langsam elektronen hier, as you know.


Tecumseh said...

Watch half the Leno-Palin thing. Bohhhring! Johhny Carson was much more fun to watch, and had better guests. Your girl has an annoying, grating accent. Her hairdo looks early 1960s (or is it late 1950s?) And, as usual, she doesn't say anything. If it wasn't for all the stark, raving lunacy she induces in Pepe & his friends, she wouldn't rise about the background noise.

Tecumseh said...

Romney's voice sounds better, though probably Perry's more fun. He looks more serious and professional than Palin. What else can I say? It's a show, man. All in all, I still prefer Leno to Letterman, though.