Tuesday, March 09, 2010

It's all Larry Summers' fault!!!

What's an SM in math? Bitching about grad school: I loved doing math when I was an undergraduate. I was a top honors student at Berkeley. I also ran the math club there, which was fun. When I got to MIT, it was a lot different. No one was teaching anybody anything in the class. It was sort of like, you've already read it and we're just going to remind you. I don't know if that's always the case in math graduate school, or maybe it's just MIT. And [the subject matter] was just many, many orders of magnitude more inaccessible [than in college]. You don't say.


Mr roT said...

Nancy Hopkins, part of Tecs' fruity thinktank....

Tecumseh said...

Where is Central "Square"?

Mr roT said...

128 \cap 1

Tecumseh said...

That's in Dedham.

Mr roT said...

tell no tales

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