Thursday, March 11, 2010

K-Lo all huffy

about WFB's adulation sheet not getting the respect Roger Ailes' does. It's about national security!! It's about WFB!!
Hölder's old briefs in a twist.


Tecumseh said...

Your potshots an NR are totally gratuitous, as well as being repetitious.

First of all, they are doing quite well at NTO without WFB -- after all, why would we keep quoting pieces from there, otherwise?

Second, they are not a news organization, like Fox is. They are a Review, if you think of what R in NRO means. Meaning, they don't have the investigative reporters and the sheer manpower to do all the legwork a news organization has. (For all the good it does with CNN & all, which don't use said manpower unless it's to bash W & al). A journal like NRO is meant to comment on the news -- they've branched into some real-time reporting now with the Corner, but it's on a shoestring (sort of a dignified blog), so what do you expect? Scoops? C'mon. Be fair, if you can.

Finally, the continual (and gratuitous) kicks below Reagan's belt are exactly what they are.

Mr roT said...

So the New York Times has never been a news organization because it's intangible and the Washington Post isn't either since it is a cylindrical piece of wood. Meanwhile, Pravda,...ok you get the idea.

What does Reagan have to do with it? Reagan was right. I think he would have got the idea without WFB or someone else would've. It's not that hard. Read your Burke and Popper.

As to the subject of the post, you've got it all backwards. K-Lo is whining about the fact that though NR broke the story (of Hölder's sleeping with Padilla), they didn't get a response from DoJ but Fox did.

It is clear that NR being a small outfit, regardless of its quality, gets ignored by the bigs sometimes while the #1 audience news source doesn't. Duh.

The lede that's buried by K-Lo's self-importance (or overestimation of the importance of St. WFB's halo's reflected light) is that DoJ responded to arch-enemy Fox!

Sorry if this is gratuitous and repetitious. Have some more ouzo!

Tecumseh said...

NYT and WaPo are news organizations, NRO (or, the New Yorker, the Nation, etc) is not. Is that rocket science for you, Herr Rot?

Mr roT said...

They are a Review.

Arelcao Akleos said...

The English Language once again makes for rotten biatches.