Saturday, March 20, 2010

More denialists

Gwen, Cameron Mills, New York, March 18th, 2010, 1:57 pm
Will all those individuals who missed the 'elective' diversity training last year please stand up? No one obliges because they are out in front of the White House carrying signs of their President painted to resemble hitler. Or, they carry signs saying: "No socialized medicine and keep your hands off my Social Security." It's enough to make a diversity trainer weep.

Actually, it's making me laugh my ass off.


Tecumseh said...

Hey, AA, I was in a bar having some Guinesses and nachos this evening. How come you were not there? I went there a few times with Herr Rot in the old days, but now he's too much into Euro Nanny State nirvana to deign have an honest beer at Our House.

Arelcao Akleos said...

Hey, Tecumseh. Drink, Nachos, and whatever appropriate despair this next weekend?

Tecumseh said...

OK-deal. Maybe we can cheer up by engaging in some spirited Rot-bashing?

Mr roT said...

Bite me

Tecumseh said...

Try a New York taxi.