Sunday, March 07, 2010

Obama's plumbers


Tecumseh said...

More-or-less the same cast of characters as in Climategate (AlGore, George Soros, the works) with "green jobs" replacing "global warming" as the mantra. If someone challenges the bs behind the whole shebang, you're a denier, paid stooge, wrecker, enemy of the people, whatever. All pinko smoke-and-mirrors.

By the way, I took the train through the Spanish plains -- beautiful, arid country. But marred by these giant cement windmills -- monuments to modern-day Lysenkoism. They're sprouting everywhere in Euroland -- saw them in France and the Low Countries, too. Looks like a total waste of time and money to me; half of them don't budge, the other half rotate lazily. After all the gazzilion euros spent, and the large swaths of land marred by these grotesque hulks, what exactly do they have to show for it, except a few extra KWh of electricity that could have been gotten much more cheaply and efficiently by building just an extra nuclear power plant? But of course, pinko ideology trumps everything.

Mr roT said...

Apparently they're a nuisance if you live closeby too.

As far as the aesthetic concern you mention, I brought that up to some lefties in Cambridge, back when the Kennedys were opposing the big windmills making their sacred views less regal.

The stock response was that in the Netherlands, windmills are now a tourist attraction and that someday these windmills would also be considered lovely.

I don't see why they look any better than a strip mall or a radio mast or anything else that the enviros claim are eyesores.

Tecumseh said...

Unlike a radio mast, they are also noisy, and kind of dangerous with all that spinning -- eg, they do kill flocks of birds, and also pose a hazard to low-flying planes and copters (well, so do masts).

Mr roT said...

I think they fry the brain.

Tecumseh said...

Especially if you jabber in your cell-phone, when next to those stupid windmills.

Mr roT said...

Yeah, electricity is bad. Need slow teutonische langsam elektronen...

Tecumseh said...

Buy an airport.

Mr roT said...

pay for it.