Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Rot is getting so confused, he's confusing others, too


Mr roT said...

WOW!! Haiti = Obama's birthplace now? Call your hero Hayworth, Tecs!!

Tecumseh said...

You're getting ever more confused, Herr Rot. If you read the actual title (or listen to the video), you'll see Barry talks about an "earthquake in Hawaii" [which one? who knows, it's all Pepean/Rotten logik anyway]. So what does this pseudo-earthquake have to do with Obama's birthplace, or with JD's primary challenge to Mac? Only Rot can tell. He really can.

Mr roT said...

Need to connect the dots, Tecs Napolitano...

Tecumseh said...

Where are the dots? I don't see any, except in your imagination. Listening to Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds too much?

Mr roT said...