Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Rot's bête noire rails against a bogeyman or another

“Just keep saying ‘Cheney’” is not an effective argument when the public is more comfortable hearing “Cheney” than, say, “Holder.” Naahh, says Rot. Hölder is much better.


Mr roT said...

McC is pretty overwrought, but he's at his worst when he's warning and warning and warning about how if the Dems pass anything on health, then it will be irreversible and a catastrophe.


I think there's an honest difference of opinion between McC and Graham on Gitmo and think it's way too small to get all freaked out about.

Weren't you arguing the other day that the only reason to keep Gitmo open is that it was expensive to put that fence there and we didn't need the fence before because the Cubans are our friends?

It was something like that.

Tecumseh said...

I didn't say it was the "only" reason to keep Gitmo open--but it's a pretty darn good reason in my book. I don't like throwing taxpayer's money down the drain for bullshit reasons. That's all.