Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Statistica da puta

Pepean arithmetic: Well, a lot of those folks, your employer it’s estimated would see premiums fall by as much as 3,000 percent [sic], which means they could give you a raise. (Applause.)

REGURGE: Of course, das Rotter shares the dearly held Pepean belief that Obamacare will cut his taxes, cut his premiums,and lead to eternal blissfulness. It's gonna be a long wait.


Tecumseh said...

More arithmetic: And she upped her deductible last year to the minimum [sic], the highest possible deductible. But despite that, Natoma’s insurance company raised her premiums by more than 25 percent. And over the past year, she paid more than $6,000 in monthly premiums.

Can you guys explain again the definition of max & min? I need a CD to visualize things.

Mr roT said...

Tecs, Obama says she'll save a billion percent. Soon she'll be so rich that she can come to Austria to get her lipo.

Mr roT said...

BTW, Tecs, in espanish, it's estatística. So pay up.

Tecumseh said...

(1) Title is a mixture of languages (or pseudo-languages). Happens all the time on this board. (2) We have a label like the title (started by AA, I think). So, how do you say "go fly a kite" en Español?

Mr roT said...

Vete a la mierda is my farorite way.

Now it's two VCP, just on this thread.

Arelcao Akleos said...

Any man who boasts of his ways being "farorite" is going to need all the VCP he can get

Tecumseh said...

Rot is cracking up, eh? Hey, AA, we need to go to a tavern and commiserate.