Monday, March 08, 2010

Taranto and Palin crush Tecs (again)

How's that hopey, changey stuff workin' out for ya?
BTW, Taranto's bottom Bottom story of the day was yours. He owes you a VCP.


Tecumseh said...

Hey, man, are you recycling my Bottom story of the day stories to Taranto? I see that that puts you in a higher position than your latest thin gruel feeds. Whatever I can do to help--I'm an altruist, as you well know. But the tab is the tab, you won't squirm out of it, Icelandish way.

Mr roT said...

No way. I should have sent him your BSD but I didn't. I sent the Brit hospital horror story.

Tecumseh said...

I saw that, but didn't bother to post it--there are zillions like it every day, it seems. Surely all true and relevant, of course, but one kind of gets catatonic after hearing N of them.