Thursday, March 18, 2010

Vote with me or I'll hold my breath till I'm blue in the face!

C'mon! Hit me! Just not in the face!
Why is Tecs so bummed out all the time?
Taranto on-target. Go seethe, Tecs!


Tecumseh said...

So what's the meaning of life? Who are we? Where are we going? C'mon, Rot, address these questions, instead of nitpicking on trivia.

Tecumseh said...

A moment of honesty.

Mr roT said...

Bear your loads lightly saith someone or other.

Tecumseh said...

Linking to Taranto? C'mon, Herr Rot, you know that's tautological. By definition.

Mr roT said...

Dunno, Tecs. Sometimes you miss the important stuff while you're railing about cellphones and indulging other mental tics.