Friday, April 30, 2010

Defining the meaning of "lawful" to propitiate Herr Rotter

“It was the intent of the legislature for ‘lawful contact’ to mean arrests and stops, but people on the left mischaracterized it,” says Kris Kobach, the law professor and former Bush Justice Department official who helped draft the law. “So that term is now defined. [..] They are minor changes to clarify some of the terms the ACLU and others had been distorting in public. In an abundance of caution, the legislature and the governor’s office have made a few minor adjustments to respond to the mischaracterizations.”

The lengths one has to go to quiet Rot down once he gets on his high horse...


Arelcao Akleos said...

True, Tecumseh, but betcha it won't work to propitiate any but a single handful of marginal Pepeans.

Tecumseh said...

It goes without saying. Perhaps das Rotter will be mollified, just a tiny little bit, by these clarifications? We'll see, but let's not hold our breath. As for Pepe & Co, no concession short of total submission will do.

Tecumseh said...

Da Rotter hoppin' mad, as usual. And, that law prof went to Harvard, not Princeton. Not that would make a difference in Rotea.