Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Nazi Storm Trooper VDH Contra Vindonobonenis da Pepean


Mr roT said...

Babdiss sodomite claims he speaks Inglish. What's that?

Mr roT said...

VDH: As I understand the opposition to the recent Arizona law, it boils down to something like the following: the federal government’s past decision not to enforce its own law should always trump the state’s right to honor it.

If you slackjawed nodded at that BS, I can't help.

The problem with the law is that the cops might interpret it in such a way that they can start fucking with people on the street (like they do in airports, but for a much better reason) just for daring to be out there.

Mr roT said...

OK, I worked through VDH's laundry list of emotional twaddle about Mexicans.

Yeah, that they work in the US and send back money is reason to start hauling US citizens without papers into the precinct house.

Beautiful bit of Stanfordian philosophizing, about even with his whining about the kidney failure diatribe aimed at Limbaugh.

So what? This guy's an idiot.

Arelcao Akleos said...

Emotional twaddle certainly has been the substance of Vindobonensis' ululation to the happy beatings of La Raza. Something stirs in the blood to see that Fascist March on Gringo Land, something to make Santa Anna to Porfirio Diaz to the current Thuggos in Mexico City sing their jalopenoed Horst Wessel.
Something that makes the brain fry and unable to tell the difference between legal and illegal, between a society of reasoned debates and clear laws [which, as laws, are for all to be equal under] and the Pepean bashings of blood contra blood and tribe contra tribe.
But, hey, if barbarism is the looming future then why not dance like a barbarian, eh Rott?
It is a crime to be here illegally. If I am illegal in Mexico, for instance, I will be thumped into recognition of that little fact.
I am not advocating doing unto Mexico what it does unto others, I am advocating upholding the laws of this land. And if you want different laws, then work through the structures of our Republic to pass those laws.
If this "working through the Republic" sticks in your craw, and you want your will imposed outside the law, well, then, you are one fine Pepean and Obamakles is ever so proud of you.

Mr roT said...

What a lot of shit you're writing. I am for border enforcement and against hair-splitting about "lawful contact" turning into an indiscriminate "let's see your papers, buddy."

In New Orleans, the cops are thugs. It may be that they are in Phoenix also.

Emotional twaddle it was. The subject is the law, not money that illegals send back to Mexico. What the fuck is that alteknacke talking about, anyway?

I don't think the Arizonards are being racist. I think a bunch of legal Mexicans there are OK with the law, because it's probably them that are getting hardest hit on wages and jobs by the illegals.

I just don't like cops asking for papers without cause. It could happen to your kid to be hauled in and spend half a day in a cage with real criminals and for no reason other than a policeman's screw-up (or pique).

By the way, the cholos in your pictures look a lot more worth hanging out with than the Babdiss preachermann with hemorrhoids you put below them. At least you got the order right.

As to your "inside or outside the law" BS, we'll see if Az's law passes muster. I bet it's too vague.

Mr roT said...

My note to AA's hemorrhoidal hero:

"Why Wave the Flag of the Country I Don’t Wish to Return To?"

Having trouble keeping to the topic, eh? Hint: It's about a law in Arizona. The law has nothing to do with remittances, or flags, or schools, or any of that, at least that part of it that is controversial.

The part that is controversial is about whether Az will turn into a place where, minding your own business, a cop can ask you for your papers.

That's the point, VDH.

Do try to keep up. It's not that difficult to read American papers.

Mr roT said...

Another anti-American, by the AA-Tecs standard.

Mr roT said...

Kucinich twin borderline.

Tecumseh said...

In desperation, Das Rotter appeals to "corpse-chewer" [sic] Andy McCarthy. But of course, nothing in what McCarthy says comes comes anywhere close in supporting Rot's "AZ law=Nuremberg laws" position.

As for VDH's tightly reasoned piece, Rot makes not even the slightest dent in VDH's argument. Ho could he, when all he employs is bits and pieces of refried Pepean logic?

While at it, it's sort of amusing to see Pepe's ghost transmogrified into a thoriughly agitated Rot. If, by some miracle, Pepe had still been alive and kicking on this board, I wonder whether there would have been any daylight between their positions. Of course, Pepe would have used exactly the same reductio ad Hitlerum arguments, based on equally flimsy reasoning. But maybe with more panache?