Saturday, April 24, 2010

Helping a damsel in distress is not such a hot idea least not in NYC.


Arelcao Akleos said...

Poor Tale-Yax. Apparently, as Tecumseh put it, he "couldn't quite get rid of his quaint notions" even though he knew in his heart they were no longer operative. No wonder the bastard couldn't make it.
There is a good reason why the "Sin of Omission' was such an astute category of moral depravity. But, heck, in this Brave New World anyone depraved enough to understand that will pay for his sins, quicktime.

Tecumseh said...

Note that the damsel in distress just ran away, and never called police. Day at the office in the Big Apple.

Mr roT said...

Where's the gringas putas label?