Saturday, April 24, 2010

The information in this article is proportional to the logarithm of its inverse probability of usefulness...

Physics struggles in the wilderness.


Arelcao Akleos said...

The Road to Veritas in Physics is now Dys Informatia?

Sounds Fisher to me.

Tecumseh said...

Reader's comments: The last part just goes off into la-la land as speculative philosophy. It may be that the universe is a quantum computer and it may be that information is fundamental to the universe, but the evidence presented is effectively non-existant. The edifice, like much of philosophy is built on logic, not on experimental data, without obvious testable hypotheses (at least as presented to the reader). The end result reads like mysticism, much like Fritjof Capra's works.

Feynman weeps.

Tecumseh said...

Is he talking to me?

Mr roT said...

Fritjof the goat.