Friday, April 30, 2010

Rick Perry, pinko libtard

“Recently, there has been much debate over immigration policy in Washington and what has been implemented in Arizona. I fully recognize and support a state’s right and obligation to protect its citizens, but I have concerns with portions of the law passed in Arizona and believe it would not be the right direction for Texas.

“For example, some aspects of the law turn law enforcement officers into immigration officials by requiring them to determine immigration status during any lawful contact with a suspected alien, taking them away from their existing law enforcement duties, which are critical to keeping citizens safe.

More Birkenstocks.


Tecumseh said...

Jaime knows better than Rick Perry. Hah!

Tecumseh said...

Copy-editing and fine tuning the text -- Pfffttt.. I do that all the time when writing an article. What's the big deal? Part of the normal, give-and-take process in Nazi-Honecker-land.