Sunday, April 25, 2010

Wow! Been years since this guy wrote anything decent!

And he hits it now? Maybe Obama is good for the satirists, at least.


Tecumseh said...

Nancy Pelosi needs a session on the ducking stool, of course. But everyone with an ugly divorce has had a Nancy. She’s vexatious and expensive to get rid of, but it’s not like we give a damn about her. Harry Reid is going house-to-house selling nothing anybody wants. Slam the door on him and the neighbor’s Rottweiler will do the rest. And Barney Frank is self-punishing. Imagine being trapped inside Barney Frank.

Wow! Hate speech.

Tecumseh said...

The C student starts a restaurant. The A student writes restaurant reviews. The input-worshipping universe of the New York Times is like New York itself—thousands of restaurant reviews and no place we can afford to eat.

PJ is good. Where has he been hiding all these years? He used to be all over the pace a decade or two ago.

Mr roT said...

Yeah. When he wrote for the National Lampoon (and at Harvard before) he wass quite good. Then he went all serious and shit.

I think Obama's stimulus has helped him.

Mr roT said...

Hmm, looking at his bio, he didn't in fact write for the Harvard Lampoon.
Well, too late for a VCP for you. Dommage.

Tecumseh said...

knew he didn't write for the National Lampoon. But I was too busy with other stuff to notice that Rotten tomato. Ah well, it's like shooting fish in a barrel -- just wait, and they fall into my lap.

Mr roT said...

He DID write for the National Lampoon! Pay up!!

Mr roT said...

Screenshooting your comment here so you don't weasel out!

Tecumseh said...

National --> Harvard. Oops, typo. Herr Straman on a roll tonight!

Mr roT said...

The tab...

Tecumseh said...

.. has a balance of one jeroboam in my favor -- and that's only for today.

Mr roT said...

Dream on, rwn.