Friday, April 23, 2010

Newt won't let up


Arelcao Akleos said...

Gingrich, on the personal level, could be a real dipshit. That said, he's been consistently spot on about the Socialism the Dems are/have been trying to smash us down with.

Tecumseh said...

Say what you want, the guy is one of the very few intellectual politicos on the right side of the divide. Why can't there be more?

Mr roT said...

You think he's smarter than Beck and Limbaugh?

Tecumseh said...

First of all, I said politico, like in, someone who actually got elected to office at some point, not someone just jabbering on the tube or on talk radio.

And second, Beck is kind of a moron, with ADD to boot. He hits it right now and then, but most of the time it's just semi-incoherent. Well, OK, Rush is smart, but he could not get elected as dog-catcher, even if he ran.

Mr roT said...

Like Newt, IMO.