Friday, April 30, 2010

"Lawful contact" is out

Another change replaces the phrase "lawful contact" with "lawful stop, detention or arrest" to apparently clarify that officers don't need to question a victim or witness about their legal status.
What the hell do you expect? Even Arizonans knew that was beyond the pale to call immigration about witnesses! Can you imagine?
Did you see anything, Pedro?
Fok no, mang.
Of course it wasn't beyond anything for Rightarded chess playing cheerleaders Tecs and AA.


Tecumseh said...

Corpse-chewing, Honeckerian Nazi "constitution worshipper" tries to explain to Herr Rot what "lawful contact" means. It's like trying to explain what the Higgs boson is to Rachel Maddow.

Mr roT said...

McCarthy is bullshit on legs. It's clear why they changed the law to "stop".

He is also writing before the Legislature changed the law.

The time for debate is now over.

You and McCarthy lose.


Tecumseh said...

Higgs boson. Or is it His boron? Or her bosom? Rot can't tell.

You still haven't responded to my challenge about reading what Kris Kobach (the guy who wrote the damn law) had to say, and commenting on that, instead of shooting at strawmen. And, of course, you never can actually argue law with McCarthy, just hurl puerile epithets at him.

Mr roT said...

McCarthy knows what he's doing, Tecs, but he's also debating a side. He systematically covered up the fact that the Az law is probably unconstitutional.

Mr roT said...

I responded elsewhere to Kobach. I said there that the law said what it said and his piece in the Times obfuscated that.

Tecumseh said...

And this passes for legal analysis on your part? Pffttt... Next thing you know, we'll have Das Rotter writing constitutional law articles for the Harvard Law Review.

Arelcao Akleos said...

Rott asserts that the Arizona law is probably unconstitutional? That's rich.
Let him ponder what where the government can "constitutionally" stick its finger when he bends over at the airport.

But no doubt Sotomayor and Ginsberg would suddenly find respect for the word "constitutional"here. As long as the law exempted wise women and those of the proper La Raza

Arelcao Akleos said...

So Rott thinks this is a huge change? Or is it possible for him to get it through his noggin that this is a spelling out of the obvious for those whose will to shout Fascism and Nazi override any willingness to actually read the thing?
Rott thinks he's found a way out of his sorry Pepeanism, a "tua culpa" bleat to set out a cloud of ink and allow him to scurry away from his embrace of the fuck da gringo shit on america you tea party fasicsts shut up or we crush your skulls like good progressives e viva la Raza e Fidel crowd. Well, at least he's not yet betraying his Fidel.
His cover is a shot at contact. Pathetic.

Arelcao Akleos said...

y the way, this spelling out of the obvious will have absolutely no impact on the attack on this law. The critics of the law understand damn well that it ain't about the clarity of exposition, but about the very notion of enforcing existing immigration laws.
If Rott thinks otherwise, his blessed and happy exile in Europia has been more beery and broady than even we unblessed and unhappy could have imagined.

Tecumseh said...

Ah, AA, why do you try to plumb the depths of Rotten Logik? I say, let's live and let live, and not kick a man when he's down, turn the other cheek, do the SBJ thing, without ever expecting in return compassion, mercy, or understanding. Isn't that the proper thing to do?

Arelcao Akleos said...

Having just lost two more teeth, I'm kinda unenthusiastic about this whole turning the other cheek and getta clobberin' strategy. But maybe a beer or two, Sunday, washing down some grub, can convince me otherwise? What say ye, Tecumseh?

Tecumseh said...

Sounds like a wonderful idea, but I'll have to take a rain check. I'm flyin' tomorrow towards Rotland. Will I collect my jeroboam of VCP? Or will he hide from me? Time will tell. What is your conjecture?

Arelcao Akleos said...

He will hide it, and double the bets on ya until he Martingale's ya. He's counting on Banc Suisse's indefinite largesse, da Rotter.

Tecumseh said...

How do you call this paradox? I remember teaching some kiddos at some point about this. One keeps betting against the bank, till one almost surely goes broke. A very good illustration of probabilities and expected values, but alas, my mind draws a blank. It's all Rot's fault, no doubt.

Arelcao Akleos said...

Gambler/Finance types call this the "Martingale Double Down Strategy". I dunno what it was called originally, and don't remember what it was called when I first saw this.
But it with a Soros behind you it is a mean one.

Tecumseh said...

Ah, it comes back to me: I was thinking of the St. Pete paradox.