Monday, May 31, 2010
Pravda-on-Potomac no longer just a Pepean Pipe Dream?
From Michigan to DC putrid minds think alike
N pinkos 1 cup,
The Literary Elite,
A Fool Treads

Sunday, May 30, 2010
Why Pepe Went Bonkers
great line: "No, don't be embarrassed or ashamed, most of your friends don't even give me the bikini"
Rott's fruity thinktank,
Seethe Pepe Seethe
To South Africa and the World Cup

So, Rott, now you've gone all civilized on us, you gonna egg on HMS Rooney contra us Yankee rebels?
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Epitaph For The Fall

Just came across this letter to Steyn, from an army soldier. If any future historian wants a pithy insight into who won "The War on Terror", this captures it perfectly.
We are betrayed, and we are damned.
Mark, I'm a faithful reader, and an Army Reserve Soldier deployed overseas to the Middle East right now. This is my second tour, and I've served in Iraq, Kuwait and Afghanistan.
I don't know how I haven't heard about this before, I saw that they approved a mosque being built at Ground Zero in NYC?
I don't really know what to say, only that I felt literally sick to the stomach when I read this. How can I take pride and honor by serving my country when this desecration is built on the graves of the victims of Islam? Who the hell approved this? I sort of want to write a well-worded and pithy rant, but honestly, I feel like I've been punched in the stomach and the fight is out of me.
What's the point of serving in the military when we're weakened and sabotaged at home while we're away?
(name withheld)
And on that note, on the depth of La Traison des Pepes, this little beaut from one of Obamakles' prime consiglieres
Yeah, Same Brennan Who Found the Hajj to be Awesome
Friday, May 28, 2010
All the News Fit for Pepe's Print

“Legitimate media sources are critically important to our government,”
Although I do not think Mr. Patterson meant to speak as honestly as these words make him, they are als klahr in the intent to transform the 4th estate into a 5th column for The State.
Versailleans smells boundless opportunity in the quickening collapse of our Free Republic. The guy is premature, a mere visionary. But his day will come.
Ecce Chicago: Concentrate Power Concentrate Corruption
But We Will Give Medals for Not Shooting.
You see, the mistake that sergeant made was to kill some of the alqaedistas. His job in this new world order was to be shot, and then turn the other cheek for the next bullet. And they said PC was removing Christianity from our military, hah!
A Clockwork Orange,
We are all French now
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Joys of socialized medicine
The Massachusetts "health reform" disease means more than just bureaucrats setting prices. It also includes rising government spending and taxes; politicians demonizing doctors, hospitals and insurers -- and patients getting lectured that the restrictions of managed care are good medicine.
It's what's in store for all of America. The Bay State's structure provided the base for ObamaCare. "Basically, it's the same thing," says MIT economist Jonathan Gruber, who was a health adviser to GOP Gov. Mitt Romney and President Obama.
It's what's in store for all of America. The Bay State's structure provided the base for ObamaCare. "Basically, it's the same thing," says MIT economist Jonathan Gruber, who was a health adviser to GOP Gov. Mitt Romney and President Obama.
Joys of socialism
The economy was pulled down in the first three months by a 5 percent decline in the key oil sector, a 6 percent decrease in the private sector and a whopping 27.9 percent fall in private investment. No doubt, Pepe is pouring all his hard-earned dollars into Venezuelean bonds.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Monday, May 24, 2010
Rot on a roll
In the Congress of the United States on Thursday, it was a hostile Mexico against a besieged Arizona. Mexico won in a rout.
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Who cares?
Texas fights for civilization
"Curricula should be written by educators who know the subject matter, know the standards and know what it takes to prepare our children for college and careers in the global economy," [Obama's Sec. Ed. Arne] Duncan said in a statement. "We do a disservice to children when we shield them from the truth, just because some people think it is painful or doesn't fit with their particular views." [...]
[The Board] Removed a suggestion that students learn about hip-hop as an example of a significant social movement.
Deleted a requirement that sociology students ‘explain how institutional racism is evident in American society.'
[The Board] Removed a suggestion that students learn about hip-hop as an example of a significant social movement.
Deleted a requirement that sociology students ‘explain how institutional racism is evident in American society.'
Friday, May 21, 2010
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Mitt and Rott: separated at birth
Romney wants to encourage more legal immigration, with a special emphasis on recruiting and retaining high-skilled immigrants. He told Hewitt that, if he had his way, we would literally staple a green card to the diploma of every foreign student who graduates from a university in the United States.
Alas, Rot thinks that's a terrible idea.
Alas, Rot thinks that's a terrible idea.
Planet Rot conflicted,
Planet Rot expands
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Awesome! Tecs wronger than Bill Maher!
Next up, Janeane Garofalo gets diagram to commute where Tecs couldn't!
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Hartford... shit; I'm still only in Hartford... Every time I think I'm gonna wake up back in the jungle.
Nate's against Blum and Nate's a big Dem...
Monday, May 17, 2010
A Pissant Pepean Planetary Problem

Too busy canticling to pay attention to ol' fashioned study and thinkery. Even of a bloody 10 page paper. They don't read what they vote for [just about everything Obamakles' congress puts out], they don't read what they bray against [no matter how clearly written, no matter how brief], they don't read anything but the signification of the Tribe..... or hosannas to past heroes of Jim Jonesian purity.
Pathetic beyond belief.
Aahh, the memories
That fabled Fall 2008 Mac campaign: deja vu all over again. Ululululu, says Herr Rot. Whatever.
a great job,
Mac falls to sleep,
Tales of Planet Rot
Muslim Gal, With Big Balls, Caught With Fainting Nellie
Of course, Herr Rot..
.. will say McCarthy is all wrong, and Hölder is doing a heckuva job. Same deal as with the Arizona law.
UPDATE: Tecs decides Hölder's not so bad after all. Jumps in bed with Scotty Brown and the other Dems. [roT]
UPDATE: Tecs decides Hölder's not so bad after all. Jumps in bed with Scotty Brown and the other Dems. [roT]
Joys of Planet Rot
"Texting" while on the John. What could be better?
Mr Rot at the bat,
nokia fryin' my brain
Sunday, May 16, 2010
April 1 is Every Day on Planet Pepe......Right?

This country isn't led by the certifiably insane.....right?
Da Kool Red Drink
N pinkos 1 cup,
Paradise Lost,
Pepean logic
C'mon, What Would You Do If You Were Named "Guerdwich Montimer"?
Name sounds Russian to me. As in, Gurevich.
A Yellow Rose for Tejas,
Nomen Ludi
Obamakles The Shameful is Shameless

Truly and utterly shameless. What next, apologizing to Putin for not sending back to the Soviet Union those few "White Russians" who made it to our shores? To Goering's nearest relative for his "Guantanomo" treatment at Nuremberg? To Kim Jong Il for letting "Team America" make a fool of him?
The enemy of our friend, or us, is his friend: that simple.
The Literary Elite Strike Back at the ScheissKopfs of Mecca

Never heard of Goldblatt. Never liked Ginsberg's poetry..[Stravinsky a la Joyce on drugs]. Will read the first. Will reevaluate the latter.
Rarely has "shit" been used so well. I shit you not.
[On the other hand you have that ball-less piece of shit with his famous bravery against the Mormon danger]
Goldberg has insightful article
[blah title, though]
This summary line is exactly right:"socialism remains a rationalization for a fundamentally tribal and premodern understanding of economics"
This summary line is exactly right:"socialism remains a rationalization for a fundamentally tribal and premodern understanding of economics"
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Planet Rot deeply conflicted
VAN SUSTEREN: All right, speaking of women's sports, speaking of women, the girls' basketball team -- and I use the term "girls." They're under the age of 18, high school in Chicago, had their hearts set on going to Arizona to play in this tournament. At least, I assume they had their hearts set.
PALIN: Sure.
VAN SUSTEREN: Canceled. Thoughts?
PALIN: Oh, man, these lady hoopsters, who are being used as political pawns -- that's what's sick about this is they are being used as political pawns. A bureaucrat in a school district saying, No, sorry, you've worked hard, you've had your bake sales, you finally won a conference championship, first time in 26 years, but you can't go to the tournament because it happens to be held in Arizona and it doesn't align with our beliefs and values.
PALIN: Sure.
VAN SUSTEREN: Canceled. Thoughts?
PALIN: Oh, man, these lady hoopsters, who are being used as political pawns -- that's what's sick about this is they are being used as political pawns. A bureaucrat in a school district saying, No, sorry, you've worked hard, you've had your bake sales, you finally won a conference championship, first time in 26 years, but you can't go to the tournament because it happens to be held in Arizona and it doesn't align with our beliefs and values.
Friday, May 14, 2010
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Obamakles Brings US to the A-cropper-lis
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Questions nobody is asking
"If you turn the photo upside down, reverse the pixilation and simultaneously listen to Abbey Road backwards, while reading Roland Barthes, you will indeed find a very subtle hidden message." Well, OK, so what's the message? This is Pepe at the bat?
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Scandal? Triumph? Meh?
A quote from Patton:
"General Anders of the Polish II Corps told me that if his Corps got between a German Army and a Russian Army he would have trouble deciding which direction to fight."
"Let’s keep our boots polished, bayonets sharpened, and present a picture of force and strength to the Russians. This is the only language that they understand and respect. If you fail to do this, then I would like to say that we have had a victory over the Germans, and have disarmed them, but we have lost the war."
"General Anders of the Polish II Corps told me that if his Corps got between a German Army and a Russian Army he would have trouble deciding which direction to fight."
"Let’s keep our boots polished, bayonets sharpened, and present a picture of force and strength to the Russians. This is the only language that they understand and respect. If you fail to do this, then I would like to say that we have had a victory over the Germans, and have disarmed them, but we have lost the war."
Monday, May 10, 2010
Et Tu, Hippocrates?
Tell me Harriet Myers would have been worse
Kagan doesn't know the difference between lawful contact and lawful stop. Must be that Tecs and AA are pullin hard for her like they were for John Edwards.
Plus: How to get a top-flight academic job in Chicago!
Plus: How to get a top-flight academic job in Chicago!
Sunday, May 09, 2010
DesMoines Bird of Prey Gnaws on the Flesh of the Dying Literary Elite
Hölder lives up to his umlaut!
Obama cracking up, claims iPads racist, cellphones dangerous. Shows up in Rose Garden with Tecs-like tinfoil hat. Waves arms and seethes.
Is this a malaise speech? How many are we up to now?
Is this a malaise speech? How many are we up to now?
Saturday, May 08, 2010
Your typical pinko Frenchie conviction
Lavoisier was branded a traitor during the Reign of Terror by French Revolutionists in 1794. Lavoisier had also intervened on behalf of a number of foreign-born scientists including mathematician Joseph Louis Lagrange, granting them exception to a mandate stripping all foreigners of possessions and freedom. Lavoisier was tried, convicted, and guillotined on 8 May in Paris, at the age of 50.
One of his actions that may have sealed his fate was a clash a few years earlier with the young Jean-Paul Marat whom he dismissed curtly after being presented with a preposterous "scientific invention" (an object which showed a spectrum of light that was as yet unseen — but did not measure anything).
An appeal to spare his life so that he could continue his experiments was cut short by the judge: "The Republic needs neither scientists nor chemists; the course of justice can not be delayed."
One of his actions that may have sealed his fate was a clash a few years earlier with the young Jean-Paul Marat whom he dismissed curtly after being presented with a preposterous "scientific invention" (an object which showed a spectrum of light that was as yet unseen — but did not measure anything).
An appeal to spare his life so that he could continue his experiments was cut short by the judge: "The Republic needs neither scientists nor chemists; the course of justice can not be delayed."
Friday, May 07, 2010
Thursday, May 06, 2010
AA's fruity heroes go public
I didn't know they were fullbacks.
Calcio for Catamites,
The Iberian Penisula
Wednesday, May 05, 2010
Much better
...than Tecs' fruity thinktank.
The administration's fingers-crossed strategy is a follow-up to Obama's earlier and less successful "Let's Make Them Love Us!" plan.
More on civility.
The administration's fingers-crossed strategy is a follow-up to Obama's earlier and less successful "Let's Make Them Love Us!" plan.
More on civility.
Blowhard Nazi Bitch Coulter,
Blue Balls
Bloodbath continues at Tecs' ghoul cage

It's on: Levin blathers some shit a la McCarthy-Krikorian.
Pissyfight as Williamson joins the rwn gangbang.
Full retard crackup.
Tecs, AA, I tell you guys to stay away from unbalanced people even when they seem to be on your side. You guys reject my advice. "Oh, no!" says Tecs, "Fakaria went to Harvard!" But no, he's fruity, just like Nigel Hitchens, Andrew "Bearhunt" Sullivan, WFB and Senator Scott Snowe. No, guys, on needs to stay away from flighty types. I'm with Chris Christie. Ain't flyin' nowhere.
Tuesday, May 04, 2010
Connecting the dots is an impossible task
The Pakistani Taliban boast of involvement in the Times Square plot had been discounted in mainstream media. New York’s Democratic Senator Charles Schumer suggested, early on, “The odds are quite high that this was a lone wolf.” The Obama administration’s homeland security czarina, Janet Napolitano, downplayed the incident as a “one-off,” whatever that means.
Planet Rot sends a message to Epsilon Eridani and Tau Ceti
Joe Davis is an artist and a research affiliate at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. In the mid-1980s, he became concerned that no image of humans had been sent into space representing the details of human genitals or reproduction. So he led a project to transmit the sounds of vaginal contractions towards neighbouring star systems. To do so, he recorded the vaginal contractions of ballet dancers. The messages were to be sent from MIT's Millstone Hill Radar to Epsilon Eridani, Tau Ceti and two other stars. However, only a few minutes of footage was transmitted before the US air force, which had jurisdiction over the facility, shut the project down. Nevertheless, the vaginal sounds that were sent will have reached Epsilon Eridani in 1996 and Tau Ceti in 1998. It is unclear what sort of reply we should expect.
beam me up Rotty,
Feynman smiles,
No Kant Do
Monday, May 03, 2010
Let's not jump to conclusions, rednecks!
He was certainly a teabaggin racist opposed to Obamacare or something.
Sunday, May 02, 2010
Rotter Rulz ? UN -der-bar!
Saturday, May 01, 2010
Tecs OJ-ed again
Just did the check-in with that quintessentially Rotten company, and what do you know--they charged me for the second piece of luggage a cool $50! I mean, duh -- I woulda brought a bigger piece of luggage, and crammed everything in there. Or, I coulda taken out some junk from the smaller bag, and thrown away some pairs of sox of something. But, by the time I realized what the tab was, the luggage was already logging, and poor Tecs is now out of $50. They must come from the Rotter VCP tab -- far is fair. But now, looking ahead, they say they'll tax me 50 euros on the way back! What should I do? Throw all sox? What else? Life is a biatch, especially with socialized airlines...
Rule-of-Law Tecs and AA double down!
Constitution? What Constitution?
On the other side, three smiling c**ts say it all.
On the other side, three smiling c**ts say it all.
Charles the Birkenstock salesman clarifies to AA and Tecs
...the difference between "contact" and "arrest."
A Conspiracy Theory
The motto should be "Don't Trust, but Thoroughly Verify"
The Cap & Trade scam, in any case, has proven it will not go quietly into that unprofitable night. The actions of its many powerful proponents will be interesting to behold. And the line between their actions and the world of speculation will be as clear as Pepe's Logik.
The Cap & Trade scam, in any case, has proven it will not go quietly into that unprofitable night. The actions of its many powerful proponents will be interesting to behold. And the line between their actions and the world of speculation will be as clear as Pepe's Logik.
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