Thursday, June 30, 2011
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Even John liked Ronnie
.. but nor Mr roT, no way. He was rooting for Jimmah, back in the day. Speaking of which...
Mr T learns calculus from Mr Rot
A fever cannot be "always 104 and rising." Either it hits 105 or it stops rising. Bacevich's command of arithmetic is as poor as his command of history. Well, Herr Rotter, first of all, this ain't about arithmetic, but more like, calculus. And second, how about the function f(t)=105-1/t? Eh, eh?
REGURGE: And Homer nods: It is possible for a fever to be "104 and rising," if it is approaching 105 (or 104.5, or 104.05, or whatever is the lowest point one would round up to the next interval) asymptotically. We regret the error.
I would have added the words "Are you happy now, Dr Wrongsky?"
REGURGE: And Homer nods: It is possible for a fever to be "104 and rising," if it is approaching 105 (or 104.5, or 104.05, or whatever is the lowest point one would round up to the next interval) asymptotically. We regret the error.
I would have added the words "Are you happy now, Dr Wrongsky?"
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Monday, June 27, 2011
To Portugal
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Estimating counterfactuals
As a sell to the public, counterfactuals have all the rhetorical power of an Anthony Weiner press conference. The road untraveled just doesn't resonate. Life is a bitch.
Saturday, June 25, 2011
The hounds of Hell have slipped the huntsman’s leash and even now they rush upon us, mouths agape and fangs afoam

[Added image. Duh. --roT]
Friday, June 24, 2011
Delta Flies The Ely Skies

Delta Does Dusseldorf
Article 1, Section 1 doesn't apply, says Rot
All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives. How quaint.
Looks like the Blame-America-Firsters like Tecs will be stocking up on popcorn
...of course all of this is really Mexico's fault, deep-down. It's just hard to perceive for linear thinkers that do \lesssims.
Delingpole picks on Pepe
They think that the naughty yellow pixies who pull the special, magic Climat-O-Levers which control the weather have been paid by evil capitalists with fat cigars in their mouth and $ signs on their pinstripe suits to make the world’s climate all horrid so that poor, underprivileged and disabled people and endangered creatures suffer – and that the reason we don’t know about it is because the media is run by evil Conservatives who want to keep this truth a secret.
Thursday, June 23, 2011
AA's favorite dept at Yale is back blaming the US and Israel for everything, likely. It will have to hammer out daily how it is that pro-Israel Jews and their supporters against Islamic (and anti-Semitic) totalitarianism are the cause of all anti-Semitism. Fortunately, 'elite' American academia is just the place where sophistries like this are most developed.
joys of academia,
joys of burkha,
joys of socialism
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Rot's fruity delegation back at it again
The hat. Where is the hat? Mac got it.
In other news, Mac gets reincarnated as Mr Rot's favorite maverick.
In other news, Mac gets reincarnated as Mr Rot's favorite maverick.
Tecs' delegation in deep trouble
Of course Tecs is gaga about Massachusetts since it's so progressive.
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Mac piles on Rot, and up his wazoo
Bristol (or is it Belfast?) chimes in (or is it on?). Rot takes some more Valium.
REGURGE: Ah, mais non, mais non, says Rot. Fires are started by natural combustion. Duhh.
REGURGE: Ah, mais non, mais non, says Rot. Fires are started by natural combustion. Duhh.
Mac wakes up,
Planet Rot deeply conflicted
Mr "Milton Friedman" Rot at the bat
In the worst case, the restructuring of a member state could overshadow the effects of the Lehman bankruptcy. Don't worry, be happy, says Rot, while downing yet another glass of ouzo.
REGURGE: Italy has far more sovereign debt outstanding, almost $2,000 billion, than any of the other problematic governments. No problemo, says Rot. It's all Monopoly money. Just put it on the tab.
REGURGE: Italy has far more sovereign debt outstanding, almost $2,000 billion, than any of the other problematic governments. No problemo, says Rot. It's all Monopoly money. Just put it on the tab.
Monday, June 20, 2011
Bring in the Greyhound bus
Success was measured not by the number of criminals being incarcerated, but by the number of weapons transiting the border and the violence those weapons caused. An ATF manager was “delighted” when Gunwalker guns started showing up at drug busts. WTF? This is friggin' unbelievable.
Sunday, June 19, 2011
We could use more hijab-wearing Muslim lesbian militants and fewer fortysomething male Western deadbeat college students
In one simple image, America’s soft power has been ratcheted up not a notch, but a logarithm. Log/Exp, Minsk/Pinsk, says Rot.
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Tecs' view of international relations, a la pink
... BATF, the Justice Dept., and most likely the POTUS were behind the efforts to “walk” weapons into Mexico in a lame attempt to connect guns sold in the US to the drug war ongoing in Mexico. All so the government could justify more gun control [in the US]. With no concern for lives lost, for damage done, families destroyed, no concern for anything other than a liberal agenda.
REGURGE, for update. Taco shit galore. --tecs
REREGURGE for a new label, from a CNN story no less!
REGURGE, for update. Taco shit galore. --tecs
REREGURGE for a new label, from a CNN story no less!
Friday, June 17, 2011
McCain redux?
Want more Huntsman fun? His top strategist is John Weaver. Weaver at one time was McCain's top guy, including during the period of time when McCain was flirting with the idea of becoming a Democrat. Ululululu, says Mr Rot.
All of a sudden, Medvedev sounds like a Tea-Partier
"The proposition that the government is always right is manifested either in corruption or benefits to 'preferred' companies," he said. "My choice is different. The Russian economy ought to be dominated by private businesses and private investors. The government must protect the choice and property of those who willingly risk their money and reputation."
So much to love about this woman...
...and yet Tecs is filled with hatred and loathing. Must be his years blogging at common dreams and Kos, or his fervent support for Kerry and Obama or something.
Brooks hot for Michelle Bachmann.
Brooks hot for Michelle Bachmann.
Rot in the attic, blogging in earnest
These elite bloggers are serious and knowledgeable, but they are often described as the untouchables of American media—unemployed, unemployable pajama-clad slackers who live with their parents and tap out overwrought screeds on basement computers.
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Just like Tecs to kick a shithead when he's down
So did you get an IOUVCP out of the guy? He won't pay, just like you, Tecs.
Perhaps the stupidest sentence printed by the NYT
Perhaps the most impressive achievement of the American military isn’t its aircraft carriers, stunning as they are. Rather, it’s the military day care system for working parents.
Yet another Cambridge "square"
Barrett Wendell once described the building as "sturdily honest as the founder who designed it, yet laughing at every turn with freakish gayety and beauty". However, the building's architecture has been criticized, most notably by former Cambridge mayor Alfred Vellucci. He once described it as "one of the ugliest buildings in the world" and claimed that "it does nothing but scare strangers" and "looks like a witch on a broomstick".
Aw, shucks!

Rot at the wheel. Relying on electronic gizmos.
I don't know why they wouldn't question driving into a puddle that doesn't seem to end. Duh.
Obama Admin. deports weaponry to the cartels. Tecs and AA blame trailing vowels.
But now the casualties are coming in.
Mexican officials estimate 150 of their people have been shot by Fast and Furious guns. Police have recovered roughly 700 guns at crime scenes, 250 in the U.S. and the rest in Mexico, including five AK-47s found at a cartel warehouse in Juarez last month.
A high-powered sniper rifle was used to shoot down a Mexican military helicopter. Two other Romanian-made AK-47s were found in a shoot-out that left 11 dead in the state of Jalisco three weeks ago.
Mexican officials estimate 150 of their people have been shot by Fast and Furious guns. Police have recovered roughly 700 guns at crime scenes, 250 in the U.S. and the rest in Mexico, including five AK-47s found at a cartel warehouse in Juarez last month.
A high-powered sniper rifle was used to shoot down a Mexican military helicopter. Two other Romanian-made AK-47s were found in a shoot-out that left 11 dead in the state of Jalisco three weeks ago.
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Monday, June 13, 2011
Rush psycho-babbles Weiner
Who, what kind of women has Anthony Weiner been around his whole life? He has been around a bunch of these kinds of women that have been attacking testosterone, who have been attacking traditional male roles. He had been around women who the idea of a real guy is some metrosexual. Is it any wonder ladies and gentlemen – I wonder if it occurs to Claire Shipman or Torie Clarke that Weiner did what he did because he’s been surrounded with them like them for his whole adult life.
So what is Rush saying? That pinko feminazis are castrating harridans? Or something?
So what is Rush saying? That pinko feminazis are castrating harridans? Or something?
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Hero of Communism
Blokhin is recorded as having personally executed tens of thousands of prisoners by his own hand, including 7,000 condemned Polish POWs in one protracted mass execution—making him the most prolific official executioner in recorded world history. ... On 27 April 1940, Blokhin secretly received the Order of the Red Banner and a modest monthly pay premium as a reward from Joseph Stalin for his "skill and organization in the effective carrying out of special tasks".
Friday, June 10, 2011
The Queen of No Logic

Let's buy a couple of mountains, Herr Rot

The poster girl for Rotter Logick
She’s accused Republicans of wanting to reinstate segregation and of waging a “war on women.” She has asserted, somewhat nonsensically, that the GOP wants to make illegal immigration — by definition against the law — “a crime.”
I like the hedging: A ⇒ ¬A is indeed "somewhat nonsensical".
I like the hedging: A ⇒ ¬A is indeed "somewhat nonsensical".
Pepe da journalistic genius
Barbara Walters surmised that, because his wife travels a lot, "It may be that he took that picture and sent it to his wife to say, 'This is how much I miss you.' "
Thursday, June 09, 2011
Tecs out of the mainstream, as usual...
Still pulling for Kerry or O'Neill or anyone politically dead in the water.
Wednesday, June 08, 2011
Steyn really losing it...
It was only a matter of time. When those guys that care about Islam too much steep in their juices for a while, they end up reading what blonde Democrat sluts have to say about \epsilon-dishonest politicians.
The Radiant Healing Praxis of Planet Pepe
Green seppuku
Over the past decade California’s number of workers in science, technology, engineering and math-related fields actually shrank. [..] Finally, there are the lawyers — lots of them. A hyper-regulatory state requires legal services just like a theocracy needs mobs of mullahs and bare knuckled religious enforcers. No surprise the number of lawyers in California increased by almost a quarter last decade. Duhhh...
Beef is what's for dinner
Les Blancs ne seront bientôt plus que la première des minorités aux Etats-Unis. Pareil pour la bière. ...
Les Etats-Unis ne sont pas les plus gros consommateurs d'alcool au monde, loin de là. L'Organisation mondiale de la santé les classe nettement derrière la Moldavie (au premier rang avec 19,2 litres d'alcool pur par an et par habitant), la Russie (15,7 litres), la France (13,7 litres) et le Royaume-Uni (13,4 litres).
Les Etats-Unis ne sont pas les plus gros consommateurs d'alcool au monde, loin de là. L'Organisation mondiale de la santé les classe nettement derrière la Moldavie (au premier rang avec 19,2 litres d'alcool pur par an et par habitant), la Russie (15,7 litres), la France (13,7 litres) et le Royaume-Uni (13,4 litres).
Nice quote. Don't freak, Tecs, when the link goes nowhere.
A man must love the thing very much if he not only practices it without any hope of fame or money, but even practices it without any hope of doing it well. --G.K. Chesterton
Pee-Wee Weiner
Worthwhile advice: As Ms. White told Mr. Weiner, the methods of Naked Therapy are particularly suited to help him overcome what she calls ‘the uncontrollable acts of arousal frenzy.’”
Tuesday, June 07, 2011
Tecs hates Carville, though, because he worked for Stalinist Bubba Clinton
Of course the rest of us miss Clinton while AA and Co. wish Kerry-Obama would just bring some sense to it all.
We all live in yellow submarine
Full speed ahead, Mr. Barkley, full speed ahead!
Full speed over here, sir!
All together! All together!
Aye, aye, sir, fire!
Captain! Captain!
REGURGE for Iran's challenge to Tecs and AA's' Heroic North.
Full speed over here, sir!
All together! All together!
Aye, aye, sir, fire!
Captain! Captain!
REGURGE for Iran's challenge to Tecs and AA's' Heroic North.
The Ummah, Girl, offers you A World Free of Mathematics
Pinko nirvana has an odd collision with reality
...not to worry. They'll brush it off.
UChicag gets their leading economic incompetent back on faculty. Bet they're breathing a sigh of relief that the pinko bullshit grant money will come back now.
UChicag gets their leading economic incompetent back on faculty. Bet they're breathing a sigh of relief that the pinko bullshit grant money will come back now.
Monday, June 06, 2011
Rottergirl keeps diggin'
Says Paul: In the Fall of 1774 & Winter of 1775 I was one of upwards of thirty, cheifly mechanics, who formed our selves in to a Committee for the purpose of watching the Movements of the British Soldiers, and gaining every intelegence of the movements of the Tories. We held our meetings at the Green-Dragon Tavern. Hmmm... Maybe after 3 pints or seven, he did warn the Brits that Rot ain't paying the tab. The Tab.
Sunday, June 05, 2011
Al-Gorism Deniers Deserve a Branding...
Capitulating While The Capitulation is Good
Saturday, June 04, 2011
The CAD, how do you say "Ubi Mea" in Ur-Namurese?
Friday, June 03, 2011
Krauthammer, Tecs, and roT agree...
...yet AA is still of the opinion that SP talks just right...
Steyn smacks Rot
Republican primary voters, don’t want to have their candidate chosen for them by CNN and the New York Times and the rest of the gang. I mean basically, last time round, the Republican Party followed the media’s advice, and they got the bipartisan maverick, and it was a disaster.
Tecs, of course, doubles down and demands that another Chernobyl be built
...but Palin is right again, which brings us to two perfect labels.
Drill baby Drill,
Tecs the Technology Guy
The First Amendment never applies, says Rot
UPDATE: The First Amendment doesn't apply in Tecs' old congressional district.
Thursday, June 02, 2011
Questions no one is asking
Scott Brown is pro-choice, pro-civil union, and voted to repeal DADT, which puts him slightly to the left of where Bill Clinton was when he had his scandal. Anyone think Brown would get a pass from MSNBC if he got caught sending pics of his schwanz to some coed in Seattle?
Wednesday, June 01, 2011
Pepe's Time to Embrace the Horror
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