Yup, note that what these guys consider 'rich' would include pretty much anyone who owns a flat in NYC. It is said that the Belgians got rid of their rampant child molesting issue by lowering the age of consent to 4 years old. This tactic was obviously not lost on our socialists. Not enough rich people to tax ? Let's redefine what is meant by rich.
Ah, but this is a common ploy. Eg, Stalin declared any peasant who managed to raise some produce and sell it a "kulak", and presto, it's pay up time, or a one-way-trip to Vorkhuta.
So OK, now it's done in a much more sophisticated way, and there are no salt mines, but the trick is basically the same: declare a chunk of the population the "class enemy", and screw it, one way or the other. Not rocket science.
tiède, pas froid.
Kick a man while he's down. That's the spirit, Charly!
Sarko is out? Who knew?
Oh, we know.
Carla Bruni out too?
What about Katie Holmes?
the wench that married the zoroastrian mexican bean ? what about her ?
Mexican bean Zoroastrianism is not to be scoffed at, Chuck.
Starlets go for that religion and cooking.
I thought he's a frog or worse. No?
He don't have one frog bone that one. He's one of yours.
Ok, Charly, ok, Tom Cruise can't be blamed on France.
Now, for Johnny Hallyday and Jerry Lewis les Gauls have much much splainin' to do.
"tiède, pas froid."
vengeance, chaude et rapide, par Versailles pour les Tsars
In the meantime, Socialist promises of a booming economy if only they get back in charge prove their worth. Shocka.
Pay up, Charly, pay up.
Yup, note that what these guys consider 'rich' would include pretty much anyone who owns a flat in NYC.
It is said that the Belgians got rid of their rampant child molesting issue by lowering the age of consent to 4 years old. This tactic was obviously not lost on our socialists. Not enough rich people to tax ? Let's redefine what is meant by rich.
Ah, but this is a common ploy. Eg, Stalin declared any peasant who managed to raise some produce and sell it a "kulak", and presto, it's pay up time, or a one-way-trip to Vorkhuta.
So OK, now it's done in a much more sophisticated way, and there are no salt mines, but the trick is basically the same: declare a chunk of the population the "class enemy", and screw it, one way or the other. Not rocket science.
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