Saturday, July 22, 2006

But they support the troops!

Hey, spitting on the soldiers returning from Vietnam was child's play compared to this.


Tecumseh said...

A counterpoint: these guys really support the (British) troops. First time I see such a story.

Arelcao Akleos said...

Yes, the one from Iraq is nice to for the reaction among some to the murders of Sgt. Milkin's family, if you were to spend some time here in the Portland--Seattle corridor, so rich in cranks and political venom, you would not be surprised at a couple of handfuls of rabid gerbils with human feet being set loose. Let us be glad that at least it was not, this time, the elected officials speaking like this [Jim McDermott and Maria Cantwell perhaps chose silence rather than saying something not nice]...
Still, we know that most do not think like this....This is a necessary assumption, for sanity, for hope, if for no other reason

Tecumseh said...

I was once in Portland -- beautiful views there, I like Oregon. But the people do tend to be a bit weird, that's right. Never been to Seattle, though...