Thursday, July 13, 2006

fighting back

here's more repartee for putin


Tecumseh said...

Tempest in a teapot -- the whole thing is just an idiotic kerfuffle, montée en epingle by the Left, in a transparent bid to embarass the Administration. Let's move on, and take care of the business of the people, as Billy Boy used to say, instead of wasting time on this pathetic couple of Wilson & Plame.

The Darkroom said...

>>Let's move on, and take care of the business of the people, as Billy Boy used to say, instead of wasting time on this pathetic couple of Wilson & Plame.

Look - I'm personally all for blowing the covers of cia thugs but i don't think it is the WH's role. Let alone for the sole purpose of political retaliation - cheney is getting well deserved shit here.

Tecumseh said...

To the contrary, I am all for respecting the secrecy laws, in particular, for keeping the identities of CIA agents secret. But this does not fall in that category. Plame was outed by Aldrich Ames eons ago, after which she took a desk job somewhere in the bowels of the CIA. Nothing secret there, nothing hush-hush. And, whatever further deconspiring occured after she arranged for her husband to go on a junket trip to Niger to sip mint tea there happened more than 5 years after she was in any operational capability, thus perfectly legal.

So, all this is is just a completely transparent and cynical attempt by the Left to use this fait divers to pursue their agenda of sabotaging the War on Terror. Of course they could not give a hoot about CIA agents being deconspired -- the NYT for one would do it any day, at the drop of the hat, to real agents who put their lives on the line in the hard spots of the planet. It's all a fake, and a diversion from the real issues.

In fact, if anyone needs to be prosecuted for breaking the secrecy laws is the NYT, who maliciously did it, twice in a year, doing real damage to our security. But of course, that's their purpose.

The Darkroom said...

>>Plame was outed by Aldrich Ames eons ago, after which she took a desk job somewhere in the bowels of the CIA. Nothing secret there, nothing hush-hush.

Well, if you are right, she has no case... but if you aren't vice should fry: we agree at last.