AI asked if the making of New Muslims out of the Left, as in the case of Joao Silva [or, for that matter, Trousset], is a thing on the rise. Speaking for Portugal, very much so. The making of New Muslims out of Comrades is one aspect of it, another is that this occurs on the fertile ground of overt alliance between Red and Green political parties and social movements in society in general. For example, restricting myself to Portugal, Joao Saramago, now Nobel Prize in literature, once a commmunist proud of his praxis [including personally recommending, to the security forces under the marxist "Troika" government in the mid 70s, the arrest of journalists who worked with him at the Diario de Noticias for "counterrevolutionary tendencies"], has made it a mission in the last robust decade or so, definitely by 1995, to encourage linkage and "convergence" [his phrase] of Marxism with Islam as the solution to the "Liberal corruption" [his phrase].
This is not just Portugal of course...It would be an interesting test of Pepe's seriousness on all this to see if he recognizes just how much further down this road France is...anyway, a little blurb below shows a nice touch of what is playing out in Spain.
Am I surprised by this, ?? Absolutely, and I mean absolutely, not. If you but looked it was already present long past, certainly when I was a child in Portugal in the 1960s and 70s. But that is a long enough story to warrant my making it to Boston one fine day to quaff a non-ouzo beverage of choice. [Am aiming for a short period at the end of this year]
"In Spain, anti-Semitism is new leftist trend
Spanish Jews knew there were hard times ahead. Prime Minister Zapatero has not disappointed them
Ignacio Russell Cano
Madrid: Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, Prime Minister of Spain and Secretary General of the Socialist Party, arrived to power at a time nobody expected, not even inside the Party.
Keen on populist tirades against the United States "Dickhead Bush" and "Ketchup Queen Kerry", his whole campaign did not bring much attention until the moment Al-Qaeda decided to blow up Madrid trains, killing almost 200 people and bringing to an end Spain's membership of the West.
From that moment on, everybody knew nothing would be the same, and Spanish Jews knew there were hard times ahead. Prime Minister Zapatero has not disappointed them.
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Hey, AA, you beat me to the punch by 1 minute with this story -- I had some technical difficulties uploading the picture of Zapatero with his radical-chic foulard. At any rate, this are the fruits of appeasement -- Spain is reaping what it sowed, when it swtiched its vote to the Left, following the Madrid bombings by the terrorists, just prior to the elections. And some say this whole thing has no influence whatsoever on the West! Bollocks.
I still remember vividly how close we came, circa 1975, to have the Commies grab power in Portugal. Those were dark times for the West -- between 1974 and 1979, we came just about as close to being overrun by the Reds as ever. But people forget that by now -- which is OK, much rather have it that way, than being a live memory. Still, it would be good to get together with some old-times and reminisce about those days, and compare memories. Better still, see if there is any lesson to be learned from those old struggles, see if anything can be applied to the new ones. An old pub in Harvard Square, where they have the best brew in town, sounds like the ideal spot for that.
It does sound ideal, AI, and its time for me to realize some ideals! Would our being friends of JJs enhance our reputation at this pub, or is mum's the word?
Ah, the mythical JJ! Do you think he sneaks in sometimes, just to keep track a bit of what's going on, or is he really completely out of it, in his Alpine bliss?
As for the that JJ watering hole -- he seems to be in the good graces of the barmen, to the extent he gets a free round most times he shows up. Never happened to me though -- his magic does not transmit.
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