Sunday, July 30, 2006

"What is whispered in the closet shall be proclaimed from the house-tops."

Those who preach Morality and Righteousness on the public podiums are getting blowjobs and intercourse in their private offices -- and in a Christian nation? Bizarre, yes? How can we explain this problematic issue that's taking place at the tax-payer's expense? Any comments? (Some days I wish Mencken's typewriter was alive more than others)

Excerpt: Perhaps the marketplace of ideas still works best when its shelves are stocked with plentiful, fresh, and unfiltered information. Perhaps the costs of protecting our privacy—intrusive courts, limited free speech—are simply too high to warrant greater regulation. It would almost certainly make for a better—if less interesting—world if we all simply behaved as though our most intimate act or comment could be disseminated worldwide by our enemies at any moment.

Well, well, well: let the Marketplace of Ideas and Enlightment Libertarianism expose the public and private contradictions!


Tecumseh said...

Maybe it's Alzheimer who does it?

My Frontier Thesis said...

Ah, yes: when the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie, it's fellatio!

Tecumseh said...

From Taranto:

"Tour de France winner Floyd Landis denied on Thursday taking performance-enhancing drugs during the race and said he would fight to clear his name after testing positive for the male sex hormone testosterone," Reuters reports.

Only the French would consider the presence of testosterone in a man's system suspicious.

My Frontier Thesis said...

ai said: "Only the French would consider the presence of testosterone in a man's system suspicious."

Good point ai.