Friday, July 21, 2006

The Limits of "The Correct Concept" in War

1 comment:

Tecumseh said...

This goes back to a debate JJ used to have for months on end, circa 2002-2003 -- weather air power does it alone, or whether boots on the ground are needed. Whatever we both used to say at the time (and things are getting blurry in my mind now how exactly the debate raged, but I recall it was quite spirited, with healthy doses of Coanda and anti-Coanda rhetoric thrown in) the vision has clearly evolved in view of events from the past 3-4 years. Well, for some -- apparently not for all. And, the fact that bunker-buster GBU's can be useful I think should be obvious to both sides of the Coanda/anti-Coanda debate, no?