Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Wacademic Success in 10 Easy Pieces

or, How Barrett Followed His Little Dick and Learnt to Love Allah

AI, do you remember a year, or so, ago when those girls were arrested in the throat cutting incidences in Berkeley? And that the driver of the car was released, under political pressure from Islamic groups, after she claimed she had no idea her cohort was doing nasty shit in those minutes out of the car? Remember JJ found this a little less fantastical than we did? He noted that the name of the girl caught red-handed doing the cutting did not sound Islamic, and he noted that the driver belonged to a Sufi sect, which has a mystical streak, and mystical Islam was never a problem because it is all about Peace and Love? When he recovers from his post Azzurri running with the Ouzo Goats, perhaps we should remind him of this?

Oh, by the way, this past year the leading group behind Islam Militant in Morrocco pressured the government to order the closing of all Philosophy faculties in Morrocco, to be replaced by expanded programs in Islamic Theology [as well as other good stuff, such as forbidding student groups or classes which discussed other religions]. This group is of what brand of Islam? Yup, Sufi.....It seems like all the varieties of Islam want to get into the winning game.

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