Tuesday, December 26, 2006

dubbyah clarifies


Tecumseh said...

Huh? W needs to run this by me again.

The Darkroom said...

?i don't follow.

My Frontier Thesis said...

President Bush is a bad orator. We know this. Folks who poke fun at his intelligence are themselves lazy, unwilling to come up with anything original to say. They spend their time jacking off to Bill Maher and Michael Moore, memorizing whatever they say so they can parrot it on the morrow. It's akin to folks who incessently repeat funny lines from movies. Lazy humor — if we could call it humor — to the hilt. You got any new material Pepe?

Arelcao Akleos said...

Pepe perhaps is busy hunting up Michael Richard's crack joke writer for material support

The Darkroom said...

guys - i realize it is unpatriotic to point at anything that would reflect badly on the office of the presidency.
But i am not a gringo. It's nevertheless entertaining to watch you fly to the rescue of the offended damzelle, dubbing dubbyah a mere "bad orator", as if what is on display here is little more than an inability to express what are otherwise deep and long-pondered thoughts.

The Darkroom said...

who's michael richards ?

My Frontier Thesis said...

Pepe, your humor about Dubya is lazy. It's like hearing a friggin' cigar-Clinton-Lewinsky-blue-dress joke, if we could call it a joke. Get some new material.

The Darkroom said...

mft - it's not humour it's footage.

My Frontier Thesis said...

Repeating previous post: get some new material.

Arelcao Akleos said...

Did Pepe say he isn't a Gringo? What, he's claiming Latino privileges from his stay in Versailles? Behold the Birth of Maximilian Deux

My Frontier Thesis said...

From what I gather, Pepe profits from the U.S. in the monetary sense, but he feels more sophisticated by dropping the, "Well, I'm French..." card from time to time. We might call his attempts to construct this dualistic type of identity, The Pepetian Diaspora.

Anonymous said...
