Thursday, December 21, 2006

mft's letter to the Bismarck Tribune editor

...and responses below. In the end, all big issues are local.


Arelcao Akleos said...

MFT, the locals of Bismarck are not quite as pungent and lockstep in their reactions as were the May Day Paraders of UMinn. Do you sometimes miss the sturm und drang of your youth?

My Frontier Thesis said...

AA, some days, yes, I do. Getting right there in the maw can be quite fun. There was an earlier article about a Republican state legislative senator (Kilzer) who is spearheading this ban in North Dakota. He's teamed up with the anti-Smoke Lefties from Minnesota. I'm upfront about my aversion to smoking, especially when it's blown in my face (no hang-over when I drink six or seven beers the night prior; good hang-over when I drink four or five the night prior in a concentrated second-hand smoke establishment). Perhaps that's why it was hard to wrile up anyone. Who knows.

In the end, no one reads Milton Friedman anymore. If you even mention Libertarian these days, Conservatives and Liberals smirk and go back to screaming at eachother. Whatever. They'll have to learn Hayek the hard way (we're all going down with them, too, just so you know).

Anonymous said...
