Monday, December 18, 2006

support the troops

Any of you dawgs up to the challenge ?


The Darkroom said...

while 2.5-3K mays seem somewhat steep for someone past her prime, don't forget that c'est dans les vieilles casseroles qu'on fait les meilleures soupes.

Arelcao Akleos said...

that may be, Pepe, but, to heed a somewhat more gut churning analogy, don't forget that " it is in the oldest septic tanks one finds the most efficient rot"

The Darkroom said...

lovely. i take it this means you won't be spending the holidays with us...

My Frontier Thesis said...

Pepe, you'd be the best judge. Is there enough demand that the Whore of the New Year will get up to three grand before the 29th?

Somewhat related: some Scandinavian country (possibly Norge) just passed some law so that the government could hit up hookers for income tax. Anyone else hear about that?

The Darkroom said...

I hadn't but France, who is never short on ideas when it comes to novel ways to hit your wallet, has had this one in the tax code for at least 15 years. Of course, implementation is key here...

The Darkroom said...

Is there enough demand that the Whore of the New Year will get up to three grand before the 29th?

That is unclear. Unclear also that we'll ever find out - unless one of you patriots rises to the occasion, kisses, and tells.

Tecumseh said...

? Whatever there was there -- old and rotted? -- is gone now. Oh, well.

Anonymous said...
