Thursday, December 21, 2006

Father of all Turkmen

.. kicks the bucket.
"The glorious years . . . confirmed his heavenly faculty to foresee and his ability to determine priorities," the statement said. "His unique abilities in the art of leading the nation revealed his talent as a diplomat..."

Hey, is this a plug for Borat?
He renamed the months of January, April and September after himself, his mother and the Ruhnama, a history and spiritual guide he is said to have written.

In the glorious tradition of the French Revolution. Aahhh, the French -- who else besides them (and the Father of all Turkmen) would think of renaming the months?


My Frontier Thesis said...

Wonderful! I think this was the guy who tried reconstructing the time zones in Turkmenistan too, and he had some type of statue that rotated to always face the sun. In the States, if the Prez croaks, we got a back up, and another, and another, and another (ad infinitum)... I guess it's different in other "Democratic Republics," eh?

Anonymous said...
