Saturday, December 09, 2006

Saudi used car saleswoman opines... irony alert

“I don’t support women driving, even if a permission is given for them to do so, because our society is not ready for such a step.”

— Widad Merdad, speaking about the oddity that women can now sell cars in Saudi Arabia but not drive. Merdad herself is a car saleswoman.


The Darkroom said...

If women weren't allowed to drive here, that'd cut accidents down by 50%, people.

My Frontier Thesis said...

Or we could just outlaw driving altogether, Pepe, and eliminate accidents once and for all.

My Frontier Thesis said...

St. Pepe, look! More Infidel activity within the bowels of the Great Satan!

The Darkroom said...

single women living on their own ? This is practicaly prostitution. Where are the taleban when we need'em ?