Friday, January 26, 2007

homo patheticus

When those of us who despise dubbyah and his spartian ambitions were treated Tuesday night to an wonderful "baby, give me one more chance" groveling moment, we thought life wouldn't get any better.
Were we ever wrong: today the clown-in-chief is still charging his windmills full speed ahead, completely alone in his zeal and resuscitates for effect his "I'm da decida" line.
I''ve got the tar, bring over the feathers!


Mr roT said...

I think the Repubs in congress that are hedging their bets are showing theselves to be much more gutless and craven.

Mr roT said...

Like these douchebags?

Arelcao Akleos said...

What you meant, Le Pew, biensur, is coming to your senses.

The Darkroom said...

the reps in congress that are abandoning the sinking ship faster than it takes for ivana trump to spell the word "cash" have probably figured out that dubbyah's new "strategy" is nothing more than a slight tweak of the tactics that have already proven disastrous: sending 20K more people to the middle east is not strategy. It has also been already done. And it has failed.

Arelcao Akleos said...

Past strategy has been impressively without strategy, and if Casey was at the bat I would bet on the "surge" being rather less than more. But I will assume, until events prove otherwise, that the new general, Petraeus, was appointed to exactly not do the same ol same ol. If fact, I assume he does have a strategy and that his failure to brut it to the DC Babel may actually be because he understands that a strategy announced beforehand is a strategy that catches no one by surprise.
So you bet that the "strategy" is to put 20,000 souls to aimless and random Iraqui meandering, all to the tune of Marquess of Queensbury on a Chamomile High [which was what you wanted, eh?], while I'll bet, or rather Hope, that Bush and Petraeus actually this time try to do what they should have tried 3 years ago [which not then, and not now, did you want].
If I win this bet, I bet you will forget this wager as swift as the MSM decided to ignore Berger's thievery. If I lose this bet, I bet you will cherish the hour Kapitularien Charles found the World , at last, was licking his Rocky Mountain Oysters. [and I will join JJ at the fountain of ouzo ]

The Darkroom said...

ah, so they just want the world to believe that they are clueless while in reality they have a secret strategy with which they will surprise both the enemy and the electorate ?
Do you think they were also playing dumb over the last 3.5 years ?

Mr roT said...

Pepe, AA is just like you in believing everyone stupider than he. For you to impute to him a belief that the Bushies are subtle is silly.

Arelcao Akleos said...

But if he imputes to me the belief that I HOPE they are being subtle, then he imputes correctly