Monday, January 22, 2007

Quiz Time!

How long do you guys think it will take this to get up Mass. Ave. to Harvard? Halberstam and Sheehan are at the nexus of Harvard, New York Times, and Pulitzer. Sheehan actually had a hand in the treasonous publication of the Pentagon Papers with Ellsberg and evidently shamed at the paltriness of their award, the Pulitzers gave an award to his wife too! Stanley Karnow is the least treasonous triumvir. He skipped Harvard for Sciences Po, but got his Pulitzer anyway.

1 comment:

My Frontier Thesis said...

I was smashing the Vietnam analogy back when we started the invasion and liberation of Afghanistan before the Parliamentary Debate Society at the U of Minnesota. I was more convinced by a WSJ article that compared our response with T. Jefferson's response to the barbary pirates.

Today, all I can get out of the automatic thinkers of the political left is, "This war and this administration has been so irresponsible from the get-go..." I'll respond with, "Well, I hear what you're saying, but a full-blown withdrawal isn't realistic... these people need our help, and if we abandon them now chances are we're going to really have to come back in the near future..." They return with, "This administration and the prosecution of this war has been so irresponsible from the get-go..." They've pegged me as a Neo-Con when I politely ask them for their opinion on what we should do next.