Friday, January 26, 2007

Out With Them!


Tecumseh said...

Petraeus (doesn't this name sound Latin?) should just remind his critics of that old saying, "the dogs bark, the caravan sails by". Don't pay attention to all the yapping, and go git the baddies. Just do it, for Pete's sake!

Tecumseh said...

From wiki: He has been injured at least twice in the line of duty. In 1991, Petraeus, then battalion commander of the Iron Rakkasans, 3-187th Infantry Regiment, was accidentally shot in the chest with an M-16 during a live-fire exercise at Fort Campbell, Kentucky, when a soldier tripped and the rifle discharged. He was taken to Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, Tennessee, where he was operated on by future Senator Bill Frist. In 2000, during a parachute jump, Petraeus's parachute collapsed at low altitude (approximately 60 feet), resulting in a hard landing that broke his pelvis.

Boy, oh boy. I would not have been able to walk after that, that's for sure.

Arelcao Akleos said...

This is a little like Lincoln only having entrusted the reins to Grant and Sherman in January 1865 [ by which point Lee would have been marching on New York ]. We will see if very late is better than never.

Anonymous said...

In an appearance yesterday on ABC's "This Week," Joseph R. Biden Jr. (D-Del.), chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, dismissed suggestions from administration officials that his resolution condemning the military buildup would embolden the enemy.

"It's not the American people and the United States Congress who are emboldening the enemy," he said. "It's the failed policy of this president, going to war without a strategy, going to war prematurely, going to war without enough troops, going to war without enough equipment and, lastly, now sending 17,500 people in the middle of a city of 6 1/2 million people with bull's-eyes on their back, with no plan."