Saturday, May 31, 2008
Friday, May 30, 2008
White Butte, Slope County, North Dakota

Here is the tallest geological formation (3,506') in what is North Dakota. I snapped this photo this afternoon, after a routine archaeological survey in the Bad Lands. I linked to Wikipedia's version of White Butte, too. And you thought Montana was Big Sky country...
Dakota Territory,
Darwin alert,
North Dakota
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Monday, May 26, 2008
Sydney's Mortality

I can recommend the late Pollack's "Jeremiah Johnson," (Warner Bros., 1972) got it on the dvd shelf at least. It's a good one if you're feeling like you wanna leave that big city eastern life for those 19th Century Rocky Mountains, killin' griz and fur-trapping and all. Watch out for them Crow, though. Chris Lapp will show you the ropes.
Noah's Party Barge
Noah just got a little cooler.
Much of Robert Best's findings are of little interest to us here at Beer Church, but his theory that [Noah's] arc was actually a commercial barge loaded with beer warrants our attention.
Much of Robert Best's findings are of little interest to us here at Beer Church, but his theory that [Noah's] arc was actually a commercial barge loaded with beer warrants our attention.
The Death of the Church Comes to the Archbishop

Well, gee, so you can SEE the shit coming down. So, Christians, whaddya gonna do about it?
Oh, yeah, let's send Pepe on a one way jaunt to Londonistan. Heck, give him a free burqua to keep his modesty intact until Imam Butt Hook has taken his pleasures.
Eat My Sharia, Kufr, Simple as That

"Polygamy is happening in Toronto; it’s not common, but it’s happening,” said Hindy, imam at Salahuddin Islamic Centre.
Hindy, hardly a stranger to controversy, is well known for his friendship with the family of Omar Khadr, the young Canadian detainee at Guantanamo Bay, and his outspoken views on the implementation of Islamic law. In the past five years, Hindy said he has officiated or “blessed” more than 30 polygamous marriages; the most recent was two months ago. Even some imams in the GTA have second wives, he added.
“This is in our religion and nobody can force us to do anything against our religion,” he said. “If the laws of the country conflict with Islamic law, if one goes against the other, then I am going to follow Islamic law, simple as that.”
Apparently, though, it's all too complicated for Planet Pepe to heed.
Robins, Dinosaurs, Mars and NASA

When I look at birds, I think dinosaurs. Here's a nest full of little robins -- about 5 brothers and sisters total -- vestiges of those dinosaurs and such. The nest is, ah, nestled right above the driveway lamps between my folks' garage. I believe two of the five have already matured enough to leave the nest.
Also: NASA put some machine on Mars today, but how about getting NASA to think more about restructuring the organization to search for every space rock that is on its way to slamming into earth? The dinosaurs never had a program like that, and look how they ended up: as birds.
Dakota Territory,
Darwin alert,
North Dakota
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Bovine Bible Belters, the Secret of Planet Pepe is Ours!
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Romney, uh, rulz
Among the 10 strategists interviewed by Politico for this story, there was near-uniform belief that had any other Republican been nominated, the party’s prospects in November would be nil.
Friday, May 23, 2008
Mac Trying for Cali
"I have the knowledge, the background and the judgment to lead this nation. My opponent does not," he said before a crowd of a couple hundred supporters at an airport hangar. Then, poking fun at the 46-year-old Democratic front-runner, McCain, 71, added: "I admire and respect Senator Obama. For a young man with very little experience, he's done very well. For his very, very great lack of experience and knowledge of the issues, he's been very successful."
Thursday, May 22, 2008
More celebrity fatheads
"I look on 'Kill Bill' as my 'Apocalypse Now'," he said, referring to the 1979 Vietnam War film by Francis Ford Coppola, seen as one of the greatest films of all time.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
French Metro
Somehow, this looks a bit different than the Orange Line...
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Warm up act in Portland
Pepe posted some moving pics of his hero mixing with the masses the other day, on the Willamette river banks. What he forgot to tell us is that the crowd had been warmed up by a local band, whose stock-in-trade is to start their act with a rendition of the Soviet national anthem. Finally, an anthem Pepe can salute, and come to attention to, when played.
Can we boil an egg?
79% of adults cannot boil an egg. Playing the odds, this must mean at least one (perhaps more) of us FCPers doesn't know how to boil an egg. C'mon guys, fess up. JJ?
Michelle October surprise?
Is Larry Johnson smoking dope, or is that funny video really being readied for YouTube?
The Spaniards are running the turnpikes!
And raising the tolls. This is not rocket science -- how come we can't do it anymore?
a great job,
Bad lackey,
gringos locos,
hail to planet pepe
Monday, May 19, 2008
Best Calc II Final Answer Ever:
What's the big deal ?
It's not like they were stepping on the us flag or something horrific of that sort
Mara, the right beautiful
Good with short hair, too. In the article she comes out against Gay Pride mass vulgarities causing a stir.
Life imitates the Onion.
Life imitates the Onion.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
HuffPo for Jesus
OK, so they want McCain to move right so that he'll piss off the middle that Dick Morris says is his in this post downstream.
The GOP goes the prozac route
Leave it to the tone deaf GOP to find a way of attaching themselves to this election cycle's "change" mandate that simultaneously reinforces the fact that their failed policies have messed up the world to such an inhuman extent that many Americans now live their daily lives in a state of free-floating panic and paralyzing anxiety.
That sound like FCP?
That sound like FCP?
The internationalist
"We can't drive our SUVs and eat as much as we want and keep our homes on 72 degrees at all times ... and then just expect that other countries are going to say OK," Obama said.
Let's ask Ahmadinejad what kind of car we can drive, everybody!
Let's ask Ahmadinejad what kind of car we can drive, everybody!
A refreshing story
Here's a guy who actually saved some lives, and made things run better in the process. For all the health care hot air floating around in this endless campaign season, this is a welcome counterpoint. I say, make this guy Minister of Health, or whatever the appropriate title is.
[...] A candidate who cannot get elected is being nominated by a party that cannot be defeated, while a candidate who is eminently electable is running as the nominee of a party doomed to defeat.
In this environment, McCain can win by running to the center.[...]
So McCain doesn't have to spend a lot of time wooing his base. What he does need to do is reduce the size of the synapse over which independents and fearful Democrats need to pass in order to back his candidacy. If the synapse is wide, they will stay with Obama. But if they perceive McCain as an acceptable alternative, there is every chance that they will cross over to back him in November.
If the GOP nominee were Mitt Romney or Mike Huckabee, independents and Democrats might not vote Republican even if they became convinced that Obama is some kind of sleeper agent sent to charm and conquer our democracy. Even Rudy Giuliani, with his penchant for confrontation, might have elicited sufficient doubts among Democrats to hold them in line for Obama.
[Add a video to spice things up. -- AI.]
Wither the Nanny State?
Ministers want to cut 11,000 jobs in schools and universities this year, mainly by not replacing those who retire. They say the number of pupils in France has been falling in recent years, while the number of teachers has stayed constant or gone up. Well, if the French don't make babies anymore, why would they need teachers? Aahhh, too simplistic, Ricain way of thinking.
Tangy Molotov cocktails
Planet Pepe keeps hacking at it. What else do they do on that planet, besides hacking heads and setting up bombs?
Why is he even bothering?
One has to wonder why someone as chronically unconvincing and universally despised among this very audience thinks that this kind of "leadership" might achieve anything, even without the patronizing undertones. Dubbyah at the bow, pissing in the wind.
McCain-Lieberman tax increase
McCain, who previously teamed with Lieberman to draft global warming legislation, supports a cap-and-trade proposal... The resulting higher prices for electricity, natural gas and home heating oil would send a typical consumer’s total annual energy bill through the roof—$938.63 more in 2030 than 2012 after adjusting for inflation... In its analysis of the Lieberman-Warner bill, the Congressional Budget Office said the legislation would increase federal revenue by $1.21 trillion from 2009 to 2018—money that can best be described as a tax increase.
Swell. Sounds like the perfect Nanny State solution. Obama & Pepe can see him, and raise the ante. A fun game to play. But is this how McCain plans to run in the fall -- see who can be better at tax-and-spend?
Swell. Sounds like the perfect Nanny State solution. Obama & Pepe can see him, and raise the ante. A fun game to play. But is this how McCain plans to run in the fall -- see who can be better at tax-and-spend?
When in Iceland, a must see museum. Don't forget to make a donation.
Where is JJ?,
Where is Pepe?
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Aahhh, the French women

The French woman "is in nearly all respects, as different as possible from the average American woman," Edith Wharton wrote. "Is it because she dresses better, or knows more about cooking, or is more 'coquettish,' or more 'feminine,' or more emotional, or more 'immoral'? The real reason is not nearly as flattering to our national vanity. It is simply that the French woman is more grown-up. Compared with the women of France the average American woman is still in kindergarten."
McCain = Dole+Kerry
The McCain campaign is looking to ground its messages in duty, honor, and ability, presenting the candidate as a man who has always been ready to step up and act when his country needed him. This was roughly the approach of the Dole campaign in 1996 and (in a rather different way) of the Kerry campaign in 2004, and in both cases it failed to capture the imagination of the electorate. Despite JJ's protestations to the contrary, this is not a winning strategy.
You talkin' to me?
In his 2002 letter to the United States, bin Laden has a lot of grievances, from America's refusal to implement Sharia law to Jew-controlled usury to the lack of punishment for "President Clinton's immoral acts." Like Barack Obama's pastor, bin Laden shares the view that AIDS is a "Satanic American invention." Obviously, there are items on the agenda that the free world can never concede on – "President Clinton's immoral acts" – but who's to say most of the rest isn't worth chewing over? Pepe is chomping at the bit--nay, salivating at the thought.
Friday, May 16, 2008
Governor Moonbeam rulz on Planet Pepe

Even European courts have rejected the idea that the human right to marry includes the right to same-sex marriage. In 2003, the European Court of Justice ruled, “Article 12 of the European Convention on Human Rights protects only traditional marriage between two persons of opposite biological sex.” The European Court of Human Rights and the United Nations Human Rights Committee have issued similar rulings. Ah, not good enough for Pepe, who wallows in a haze of pink champagne on ice.
But can he talk to Ahmadinejad?
This raises an interesting question about Sharia law: can an apostate be a dhimmi? Ask the hidden Imam.
"This is a shameful attempt to attack a woman who has repeatedly said she wouldn't be here without the opportunities and blessings of this nation," says Pepe.
Pepe's America
Neither Obama nor his party seems to understand how incentives motivate human behavior. They are still entangled in the fantasies of the European Left of 150 years ago. Duhhh...
Thursday, May 15, 2008
There seems, as is often the case in colleges, to be a huge gulf between academia and reality. No one is thinking about the larger implications, let alone the morality, of admitting so many students to classes they cannot possibly pass. The colleges and the students and I are bobbing up and down in a great wave of societal forces—social optimism on a large scale, the sense of college as both a universal right and a need, financial necessity on the part of the colleges and the students alike, the desire to maintain high academic standards while admitting marginal students—that have coalesced into a mini-tsunami of difficulty.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Larry keeps his dis-stance
Get-Up-And-Get-A-Beer Line of the Day: The Hill asked various Senators whether they would consider an offer to be vice-president. One answer stuck out:
Sen. Larry Craig (R-Idaho): "I would say, "No, Hillary."
I think he meant that he's more likely to be tapped at this point by the Democrats than Republicans. But there are so many other possible meanings. Let's get up and get a beer and think about them! ... P.S.: And if he's joking that only a Democrat would pick him, why isn't it "No, Barack"? ... 12:27 P.M.
Sen. Larry Craig (R-Idaho): "I would say, "No, Hillary."
I think he meant that he's more likely to be tapped at this point by the Democrats than Republicans. But there are so many other possible meanings. Let's get up and get a beer and think about them! ... P.S.: And if he's joking that only a Democrat would pick him, why isn't it "No, Barack"? ... 12:27 P.M.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Italian Minister for Equal Opportunity

OK, guys, can you translate into plain English what does that portfolio entail? Also, how come we don't have ministers like this in the US of A?
Hagee goes to Canossa
Who is the "great whore" now?
Bad lackey,
Enemies Mine,
Fat Asses,
Icarus Jests,
La règle du jeu
According to Pepe: Here are the Obama rules in detail: He can’t be called a “liberal” (“the same names and labels they pin on everyone,” as Obama puts it); his toughness on the war on terror can’t be questioned (“attempts to play on our fears”); his extreme positions on social issues can’t be exposed (“the same efforts to distract us from the issues that affect our lives” and “turn us against each other”); and his Chicago background too is off-limits (“pouncing on every gaffe and association and fake controversy”). Besides that, it should be a freewheeling and spirited campaign. And, of course, Pussy McCain will play by the Obama rules. Good luck.
Monday, May 12, 2008
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Galloping Turtle

Here are a couple pics I snapped of a, yes, snapping turtle (Chelydra serpentina) last week in western North Dakota. I hadn't seen one this big, ever. I tapped the top of its shell with my tape measure, and it snapped at it, and I threw my hands into the air and hooted primal like a howler monkey. Darwin lives...
Dakota Territory,
Darwin alert,
North Dakota
Tu quoque!
Haven't Euroweenies told us Americans that we should respect the Palis' democratic choice, Hamas (or is it Hezbollah?) and deal with the will of the People? Now they same moralists are putting conditions on the Serbs. What fun.
Another hypocrite bites the dust
The people of Staten Island seemed prepared to forgive Fossella for the drunken driving, but the second family threw them for a loop. This is interesting given the fact that the D.U.I. is the only illegal part of the story. Also, while it’s hard to imagine that a love child or two poses any actual threat to a congressman’s constituents, the same cannot be said about having a local lawmaker who is prepared to get behind the wheel of a car when he’s too drunk to remember the rule about not mentioning the daughter in Alexandria to authority figures brandishing pencil and pad.
Leggett was re-elected that November, proving once again that if you are going to go in for this sort of thing, your first step should really be to vote liberal. Unfortunately for Fossella, he is a social conservative who has been very supportive of attempts to post the Ten Commandments in public places.
Leggett was re-elected that November, proving once again that if you are going to go in for this sort of thing, your first step should really be to vote liberal. Unfortunately for Fossella, he is a social conservative who has been very supportive of attempts to post the Ten Commandments in public places.
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Friday, May 09, 2008
Remember Those Pesky Historical Films
Now, will AI watch this movie and start calling Charlton Heston a proto-political tool of Al Gore? Or will he watch this movie to enjoy a piece of sci-fi celluloid?
Also: last night, O'Reilly was, in Coulter Speak, really giving it to McCain. The latter said he wanted to look for all sorts of energy sources in the U.S. (I agree with him, and moreso that nuclear energy needs to be used even more). But McCain did not concede to O'Reilly's demands about running oil dereks into national preserves, or national parks. O'Reilly hates Teddy Roosevelt, yet the latter would run philosophical circles around the blowhard. You don't charge San Juan hill and later on sit there while idiocies are spewed forth in some television interview.
I have a hunch that O'Reilly doesn't read much.
Also: last night, O'Reilly was, in Coulter Speak, really giving it to McCain. The latter said he wanted to look for all sorts of energy sources in the U.S. (I agree with him, and moreso that nuclear energy needs to be used even more). But McCain did not concede to O'Reilly's demands about running oil dereks into national preserves, or national parks. O'Reilly hates Teddy Roosevelt, yet the latter would run philosophical circles around the blowhard. You don't charge San Juan hill and later on sit there while idiocies are spewed forth in some television interview.
I have a hunch that O'Reilly doesn't read much.
Until the Dog Days

I am taking a break from FCP until mid-August or so. It is time to do something closer to the stars. Pepe, Enjoy. Take care, y'all, and as you watch the annointing of our future Chancellor Obama I'll leave you with a basic truth so inconvenient to all Versaillians that they'd rather we go to our grave than they admit it.
"And so it goes. Ayaan Hirsi Ali is a phenomenally brave woman but she is not a “moderate Muslim”: she is an atheist. Irshad Manji is a brilliant dissecter of Islam’s pathologies but she is not a “moderate Muslim”: she is a lesbian and, thus, to almost all her co-religionists, cannot be any kind of Muslim. Dr Wafa Sultan is the Californian psychiatrist who at huge personal risk intellectually clobbered an A-list Sunni scholar live on Al Jazeera, crushed every one of his arguments, and yet nevertheless lost. Why? Here’s the answer:
“I am not a Christian, a Muslim, or a Jew,” Dr Sultan told her interrogator. “I am a secular human being who does not believe in the supernatural…”
“If you are a heretic,” scoffed Dr Ibrahim al-Khouli, “there is no point in rebuking you, since you have blasphemed against Islam, the Prophet, and the Koran.”
In their debate, Wafa Sultan won every point but lost the match. Her innumerable aces only confirmed her opponent’s argument – that to embrace “modernity” (in the western sense) is to lose your faith: Dr Sultan is an incisive intelligent rational woman – and she is no longer Muslim. Signor Allam held out longer than most before concluding that the intellectual straddle required of a “moderate Muslim” is beyond even Larry Craig’s wide stance: “I asked myself how it was possible that those who, like me, sincerely and boldly called for a ‘moderate Islam’,” he said, “ended up being sentenced to death in the name of Islam on the basis of the Koran. I was forced to see that, beyond the contingency of the phenomenon of Islamic extremism and terrorism that has appeared on a global level, the root of evil is inherent in an Islam that is physiologically violent and historically conflictive.” The most “extraordinary and important encounter” in his decision to abandon Islam and embrace Christianity was the Pope’s address at Regensburg – the one that prompted Mr Allam’s (former) co-religionists to demonstrate outside Westminster Abbey calling for the Pontiff’s beheading. The newly baptized Christian knows that he will be targeted for murder, but he was already targeted for murder as a “moderate Muslim”, and, as he sees it, it is better to die for truth than for a tortured contradiction.
What the west calls “moderate Muslims”, Islam regards as apostates. Sometimes, as with Dr Sultan, they’re atheist apostates; sometimes, as with Miss Manji, they’re lesbian apostates; and sometimes, as with Magdi Allam, they’re Christian apostates. To Islam, it doesn’t matter which branch of apostasy you opt for: As the Prophet Mohammed puts it, “Whoever changes his religion, kill him.” All four principal schools of Islamic jurisprudence agree. So do the 36 per cent of young Muslims in Britain who believe apostasy should be punished by death. "
Thursday, May 08, 2008
Wednesday, May 07, 2008
Big butt is good

FCP Distilled
I would've gotten on here and posted a lot more in the last couple weeks, but I needed to re-lace my shoes. I envision my deathbed situation as follows: AI reading me Holy Huckabee last rights, JJ preaching the virtues of Cosmopolitan Texas GOP-osophy, AA holed up in the Yukon awaiting the IM advance, and Pepe swinging wildly against a country that he benefits from. This came to me while an admitted overweight chiropractor preached to me this evening on the benefits of staying fit, denouncing McCain, saying he'd vote for J.C. Watts, that Obama scares him, and casting a verbal vote for Hillary, pointing to the television with her smiling husband Bill calmly looking into the camera right behind her.
It's probably not that fucked up a world in this little microcosm, right? It's probably just me.... ...right?
It's probably not that fucked up a world in this little microcosm, right? It's probably just me.... ...right?
Tuesday, May 06, 2008
Gullible nation
“She’s a working mom,” Tracy Zettel, who works for a health insurance company, said Saturday while waiting for Mrs. Clinton to appear in Cary, N.C. “That’s what I am.”
“A good ol’ girl,” Clyde Swedenberg, owner of a small jewelry store, called her in Lakeside Park, N.C.
Mrs. Clinton has accomplished the seemingly impossible in those states. Somehow, a woman who has not regularly filled her own gasoline tank in well over a decade, who with her husband made $109 million in the last eight years and who vacations with Oscar de la Renta, has transformed herself into a working-class hero.
Wonder why residents of Topeka, KS are worried that Usama's forces might invade the shopping mall?
“A good ol’ girl,” Clyde Swedenberg, owner of a small jewelry store, called her in Lakeside Park, N.C.
Mrs. Clinton has accomplished the seemingly impossible in those states. Somehow, a woman who has not regularly filled her own gasoline tank in well over a decade, who with her husband made $109 million in the last eight years and who vacations with Oscar de la Renta, has transformed herself into a working-class hero.
Wonder why residents of Topeka, KS are worried that Usama's forces might invade the shopping mall?
Monday, May 05, 2008
The Dukes outdo the wackos - part 2
In the secretive, illegal world of American polygamy, life has been good to 67-year-old Wendell Loy Nielsen of Eldorado, Texas.
By his own account, Nielsen has 21 wives (...).
I am missing something here. How is it that life has been good to him ?
By his own account, Nielsen has 21 wives (...).
I am missing something here. How is it that life has been good to him ?
Rednecks emulate the wackos
Usama, Burt Reynolds & the Dukes of Hazard, same struggle, same fight.
Binnie gals,
gringos locos,
Infidels Unite,
You don't say
Wrong AND so?
The healing of Iraq would be far more readily achieved by an American acknowledgment of failure, and by the engagement of other nations that such an acknowledgment would immediately invite. But insanely holding on in Iraq until Washington can claim something like "victory" means that this globally oriented geo-political ambition - America's standing in the world - is being bought at the price of Iraqi blood.
Boston Globe making me prouder of my move.
Boston Globe making me prouder of my move.
The Poor Bastard Didn't Have a Prayer

That's the one just silver lining in the IM Future, watching Versaillists and Vichyists everywhere going down on their knees at gunpoint the better to service their new Master, Allaho Akbar!
The sad part is that this guy was far braver than any V or V. For him, there was no Justice. Only Pepeanism in Thought and Action.
Sunday, May 04, 2008
Perky in Copenhagen
Run, JJ, run!
Cat Bites Woman,
gringas putas,
Where is JJ?
SBJ vs the Wops
So who wrote this -- MFT or Pepe?
hail to planet pepe,
Karl Rove. You evil genius.,
The King's Recommendations
Take it away, Kingsley: Alcohol science is full of crap. It will tell you, for instance, that drink does not really warm you up, it only makes you feel warm—oh, I see; and it will go on about alcohol being not a stimulant but a depressant, which turns out to mean that it depresses qualities like shyness and self-criticism, and so makes you behave as if you had been stimulated—thanks. In the same style, the said science will maintain that alcohol does not really fatten you, it only sets in train a process at the end of which you weigh more. Nevertheless, strong drink does, more than anything else taken by mouth, apart from stuff like cement, cram on the poundage.

And Kingsley describes the hangover: He lay sprawled, too wicked to move, spewed up like a broken spider-crab on the tarry shingle of the morning. The light did him harm, but not as much as looking at things did; he resolved, having done it once, never to move his eyeballs again. A dusty thudding in his head made the scene before him beat like a pulse. His mouth had been used as a latrine by some small creature of the night, and then as its mausoleum. During the night, too, he’d somehow been on a cross-country run and then been expertly beaten up by secret police. He felt bad.

And Kingsley describes the hangover: He lay sprawled, too wicked to move, spewed up like a broken spider-crab on the tarry shingle of the morning. The light did him harm, but not as much as looking at things did; he resolved, having done it once, never to move his eyeballs again. A dusty thudding in his head made the scene before him beat like a pulse. His mouth had been used as a latrine by some small creature of the night, and then as its mausoleum. During the night, too, he’d somehow been on a cross-country run and then been expertly beaten up by secret police. He felt bad.
Kingsley Amis,
Single-Malt Still Working
Hillary joins the VRWC
She's become the Lieberman of the Democratic Party. The left hates her and treats her like Lieberman. She might run to the right of McCain, if she makes it to the general election, and get the votes of rebellious conservatives. Hmmm.... Ain't this strange?
Oh yeah, this is the new Road Map
Desperate last ditch attempt from condi to half-ass achieve something?
I'm betting on a complete fiasco, but the odds are probably close to 1:1
I'm betting on a complete fiasco, but the odds are probably close to 1:1
Saturday, May 03, 2008
Jesus, Pepe! Is this idiot for real??
But I suspect that even porn addicts get their fill sometimes.
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