Horn called 911 and told the dispatcher he had a shotgun and was going to kill the men. The dispatcher pleaded with him not to go outside, but Horn confronted the men with a 12-gauge shotgun and shot both in the back.
I don't have much sympathy for burglars, but this is beyond the pale.
Monday, June 30, 2008
There goes my vacation
dang. taking kayla on a dream vacation to malaysia seems out of the question.
Uh Oh, They're On To Us, Run For Your Lives!

Oh, what's that you say? Were not French Zombies running for Versailles? Running not for us?.....Oh, ok,....
So, can Google shut down just 3/5 of a blog? Ah dunna think so. Sorry, Obamites aboard, looks like you're just gonna have to be collateral damage in the campaign against the anti-Obama Wreckers and Saboteurs
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Saturday, June 28, 2008
One Reason MFT's Been Out of the FCP Loop...
...of course, this doesn't include the stock phrases from the Right and Left that makes politics so boring and thoughtless these days. Just these days, though? Right, I should give it more historical scope: this has been going on since time immemorial, I'm certain.
Anyhow, I've been scrambling all over western Dakota doing archaeological and historical inventories to make way for the proposed oil well heads and pads, a result of the Bakken Formation. I still think the U.S. needs to continue pouring LOADs of money into Research and Development, to create ever-more efficient internal combustion engine ways, and those darned alternative energies. This is the 21st Century, damnit: why the hell are we still so dependent on Model T technology?
JJ, you're a physicist, so get to work.
Anyhow, I've been scrambling all over western Dakota doing archaeological and historical inventories to make way for the proposed oil well heads and pads, a result of the Bakken Formation. I still think the U.S. needs to continue pouring LOADs of money into Research and Development, to create ever-more efficient internal combustion engine ways, and those darned alternative energies. This is the 21st Century, damnit: why the hell are we still so dependent on Model T technology?
JJ, you're a physicist, so get to work.
Friday, June 27, 2008
Strange Brew....

First time I'd heard of this. Had you heard this before?
Anyway, here is the abstract from the the Astro&Space Sci. article. Certainly not the usual place to see "crank" science.
"Abstract A red rain phenomenon occurred in Kerala, India starting from 25th July 2001, in which the rainwater appeared coloured in various localized places that are spread over a few hundred kilometers in Kerala. Maximum cases were reported during the first 10 days and isolated cases were found to occur for about 2 months. The striking red colouration of the rainwater was found to be due to the suspension of microscopic red particles having the appearance of biological cells. These particles have no similarity with usual desert dust. An estimated minimum quantity of 50,000 kg of red particles has fallen from the sky through red rain. An analysis of this strange phenomenon further shows that the conventional atmospheric transport processes like dust storms etc. cannot explain this phenomenon. The electron microscopic study of the red particles shows fine cell structure indicating their biological cell like nature. EDAX analysis shows that the major elements present in these cell like particles are carbon and oxygen. Strangely, a test for DNA using Ethidium Bromide dye fluorescence technique indicates absence of DNA in these cells. In the context of a suspected link between a meteor airburst event and the red rain, the possibility for the extraterrestrial origin of these particles from cometary fragments is discussed.
Hooray for hate speech!
So, AI and AA, you foreign-born preservers of True Americanism, was there really much danger here? Did poor McCain have to go up to the North Vietnadians and tell them how to run their own little fruity commissions to save Steyn from the ratmeat dungeon? I wonder what the Buckley hole washers at NRO are saying now, but just. can't. click. n r online.
Not gonna happen
Teach kids math? (I mean, the real thing, not the pretend bs that passes for math in US schools.) Nahhh, says Pepe. Indoctrinate them instead in the finer points of the pinko ideology. That will do it.
Evolving Party Line
I have never had any illusions about Obama. I merely note with amazement that his media swooners seem to accept his every policy reversal with an equanimity unseen since the Daily Worker would change the party line overnight — switching sides in World War II, for example — whenever the wind from Moscow changed direction. And Pepe twists and turns and flips and flops like the best Party apparatchik.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
entertaining left-right dialog
I can never imagine meeting a person of the opposite sex who also believes I am qualified to be president of the United States (...) if I did in fact meet such a person, I certainly would never marry her. I’d get a restraining order.
Cohen channels the two-lettered planet
Give Americans the Rorschach test today and what they’ll detect in the ink blots are bearded Muslim “suiciders.”
Fear-mongering about Islam is a global industry. It thrives on ignorance. Obama has a unique power to break the cycle, not least by emboldening moderate Muslims to denounce terror. Nothing would do more in the long run for the security of the world.
Fear-mongering about Islam is a global industry. It thrives on ignorance. Obama has a unique power to break the cycle, not least by emboldening moderate Muslims to denounce terror. Nothing would do more in the long run for the security of the world.
Pinko attack machine
The hypocrisy is breathtaking. But of course, this is how pinko politics is always being played. And McCain is like a deer caught in the headlights.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
From Bengal to Britain to Berkeley, Islam Attracts The Very Best
Whistling at contractors
.. can get those girls in jail for 10 years. Crime and punishment in a brave new world.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Hiding the cell phone
JJ, JJ, I know that cell phones fry your brains, but hiding them up your keister won't solve the problem.
Planet Pepe's GUT
Oktar said Koran verses and sayings of the Prophet Mohammed about the end of the world revealed Jesus would return soon as a Muslim to help Islam's savior, the Mahdi, defeat the Dajjal or Islamic Anti-Christ and establish Islam around the world. "Our biggest project right now is to lay the grounds for the coming of Jesus Christ," he said. "We understand this is going to be in the next 20 to 25 years." Have more ouzo, Pepe.
Liking him more and more
Massachusetts pinko shyster in fiery soliloquy

Rep. James Fagan (D., Mass) would “rip apart” 6-year-old victims on the witness stand and “make sure the rest of their life is ruined.” In a fiery soliloquy on the House floor, Fagan said he’d grill victims so that, “when they’re 8 years old they throw up; when they’re 12 years old, they won’t sleep; when they’re 19 years old, they’ll have nightmares and they’ll never have a relationship with anybody.”
Monday, June 23, 2008
Back to the halcyon days of the Gorelick Wall
Because we treated the 1993 WTC bombing as simply a crime, our investigation was slow, sluggish and constrained by the need to acquire admissible evidence to convict the terrorists.As a result, we didn't know that Osama bin Laden and al Qaeda were responsible for the attack until 1997 - too late for us to grab Osama when Sudan offered to send him to us in 1996. Clinton and National Security Adviser Sandy Berger turned down the offer, saying we had no grounds on which to hold him or to order his kidnapping or death. Obama's embrace of the post-'93 approach shows a blindness to the key distinction that has kept us safe since 9/11 - the difference between prosecution and protection.
Aahhh, the memories! At least, Bubba had the excuse he didn't know what the hell he was doing. Now Obama knows, perfectly well. And Planet Pepe cheers him on.
Aahhh, the memories! At least, Bubba had the excuse he didn't know what the hell he was doing. Now Obama knows, perfectly well. And Planet Pepe cheers him on.
This is stooopid
Time for McCain to throw this guy under his own bus? Unlike sycophantic pinkos (who would take any kind of bs from their messiah and lap it up, like manna from heaven), I say let's call this like it is -- and throw the bum out.
a great job,
Aid and comfort,
Cosmic Idiocy,
Jean-Francois Mac
If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun
Trouble is, McCain is merely bringing a limp spaghetti to the fight, while the other side has no compuction.
No soldiers on Planet Pepe
No siree. Only narcissistic, navel-gazing pinkos, trying new foods and chasing dogs.
Life in Tx
Jurors this year deliberated less than five minutes before returning guilty verdicts against the first two defendants (...) Mineola, about 80 miles east of Dallas, is a close-knit, conservative bean-processing town of with more than 30 churches. Residents there want to put the scandal behind them as quickly as possible.
When it comes to putting things quickly behind, five minutes isn't bad.
30 churches for a population of 4,550. Now that's what I call an upstanding child-fucking community.
When it comes to putting things quickly behind, five minutes isn't bad.
30 churches for a population of 4,550. Now that's what I call an upstanding child-fucking community.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
JJ designer clothes

Donatella Versace dedicated her Spring-Summer 2009 collection presented Saturday evening to Obama, creating a style she said was designed for "a relaxed man who doesn't need to flex muscles to show he has power."
Where is JJ?
A once and future National Security Adviser
A Clinton consigliere (and G-town prof) reappears, on the Obama team. Of courses, he shills for Alger Hiss (that commie spy of yore), still a hero to all self-respecting pinkos. Swell.
Summer Solstice Supper: Bacon 'n' Beans, Petite Sirloin, and Cucumber Salad

The bacon and beans are ethnically closer to Portugal (correct me if I'm mistaken, AA), or Brazil, than they are of, say, the beans we Americans may associate with the South: molasses and bbq. The recipe came from a Brit, Fergus Henderson, and I modified it according to what I could find locally at the grocer. I won't go into too much detail, other than saying that the navy beans absorb much of the vegetable stock (see below pic, upper left hand corner) that is ladled into the dish prior to baking. A small cheese cloth was loaded with fresh rosemary, thyme, whole allspice and peppercorns, tied off, and tossed into a pot of simmering beer-water. In that was tossed celery, one green pepper (I needed to use it up), carrots, onions, and whole garlic cloves. Henderson calls for a pig trotter, but I couldn't locate one this morning — better planning next time. Also, the navy beans need to be soaked overnight. So that's more planning ahead.

After frying up the bacon (making sure to eat bits and pieces here and there, and follow it with either good coffee or cold beer), dump in the chopped onions and garlic, and also a can of plum tomatoes. Crush the tomatoes up before putting them into the mix. Let this sauteé for about 15 minutes, and then add the navy beans that you previously boiled and simmered for about an hour and a half. Now, get yourself a pretty deep pan, and start layering the bacon and bean mixture: bacon, beans, bacon, beans. Stuff a couple more raw garlic cloves into each layer of beans. Just eye-ball it. Cover your pan or pyrex dish (mine said "Made in France" on it, and I thought of Pepe) with foil, and stick the beans in the oven @ 375 degrees for 90 minutes. Pull off the foil, and let it bake for another 30 minutes: crisp that fucker up.
Now, this is where you fire your grill and prepare your petite sirloins: medium-rare, please.
The cucumber salad was a mixture of cucumbers (obviously), rice wine vinegar, garden chives, fresh dill, a dollop of sour cream, and a dollop of mayo.
JJ, this is going into the rotation of that place we're gonna open some day. You guys should also consider reading George Orwell, "Down and Out in Paris and London" if you haven't already.
Dakota Territory,
Darwin alert,
Gaol time -- for sure
Yet another one who dares question the shibboleths of Planet Pepe is about to be strung by his toes.
Gaol time

Whoever knowingly displays any printed or other likeness of the great seal of the United States [..] or any facsimile thereof, in, or in connection with, any advertisement, poster, circular, book, pamphlet, or other publication, public meeting, play, motion picture, telecast, or other production, or on any building, monument, or stationery, for the purpose of conveying, or in a manner reasonably calculated to convey, a false impression of sponsorship or approval by the Government of the United States or by any department, agency, or instrumentality thereof, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than six months, or both. What part of this law is unclear to Obama? Ah well, yet another distraction.
Deuce vs KSM
Planet Pepe knows immediately who are the good guys and the bad guys in this story. Also, Martinez asked that he not be named in this article, saying that the former interrogator believed that the use of his name would invade his privacy and might jeopardize his safety. The New York Times declined the request. The Gray Old Putana is a bitch.
Almost an Elegy

"When the shadow of the sash appeared on the curtains it was between seven and eight oclock and then I was in time again, hearing the watch. It was Grandfather’s and when Father gave it to me he said I give you the mausoleum of all hope and desire; it’s rather excruciating-ly apt that you will use it to gain the reducto absurdum of all human experience which can fit your individual needs no better than it fitted his or his father’s. I give it to you not that you may remember time, but that you might forget it now and then for a moment and not spend all your breath trying to conquer it. Because no battle is ever won he said. They are not even fought. The field only reveals to man his own folly and despair, and victory is an illusion of philosophers and fools."
William Faulkner
Saturday, June 21, 2008
WTF is the round thing in front?

It's like bolted to the wings. To prevent flight? What are the arrows? Cupid's arrows for New Hampshire bishops' weddings? PuffHo has a lot of opposers.
Euro 2008 is now shit
The Dutch lose to Russia (barf) and the Turks beat Croatia. Soccer is the shittiest sport. Let the Germans do whatever they want.
A dichotomy
Two possibilities arise: Liberals are unbelievably stupid – so dumb that they need help tying their shoes and not walking into walls – or they’re malicious malcontents consumed by envy and animated by a lust for power – in a word, evil. So which one is it, Pepe?
Work your way out of this one, Pepe!
In an article published on Cuba's official website, Fidel Castro said he wanted "to put in writing my contempt for the enormous hypocrisy that surrounds the [EU] decision".
For thy convenience.
For thy convenience.
This is hilarious beyond belief!
There was an old National Lampoon fake news item in which some wacko was holding a few flies hostage in a jar and threatened to kill them all if his demands weren't met.
Bey IV Blood, at Your Muslim Bakery
Fascinating that this would not faze the Oakland coppers from seeing nuttin' wrong with their favorite radical muslim center, not by a Longmire.
This is the sort of speech Planet Pepe wants to make sure remains ever free [but that Jew Pig Wannabe Steyn? Decapitate the swine]
This is the sort of speech Planet Pepe wants to make sure remains ever free [but that Jew Pig Wannabe Steyn? Decapitate the swine]
Fat chance

McCain coming to the defense of Mark Steyn and free speech in the belly of the beast? Naahhh. Not gonna happen. [Added illus. -JJ]
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