Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Porcupine, Lakotah

WTF is this "Republic"? You guys ever heard of it?


Arelcao Akleos said...

MFT could perhaps give us more details. But the group is like the nativist Hawaii movement or, more imperially ambitious, La Raza or Mecha. A "blood" ideology sees "The People" [i.e. a chosen ethnic group] robbed of their racial purity and rightful power by the great evil that is the Yankee. It dreams of the disintegration of Yankdom and the opportunity to carve out a Fatherland, or at least Lebensraum for an already existing Fatherland, in the aftermath. There are similar movements, of great variation in seriousness of action, from Puerto Rico over to Guam.
This vision of a disintegrating USA, where Progress lets a thousand Fascisms bloom, a hundred schools of socialist thought contend, is the sort of wetdream that can draw PP's passions away from even the hairiest hole in Kayliana.

Mr roT said...

Somewhere between Gay Nation and the Oneida.

My Frontier Thesis said...

Yes, Russell Means is, well, the sort of Ward Churchill of Dakota Territory. I've a couple Lakota friends, and one of them makes sure to mention that the Lakota have not been in this area since time immemorial. Means is looked at as sort of the crazy guy who they just let go. Might as well.

The Lakota are a great people, but this sort of crazy nationalism unfortunately gives this glorious ethnicity a bad name. I'm friends with the Lakota, and I know they have sent many Sioux Warriors to do battle since September 11th, to defend the Americas — they are arguably the first Home Land Security.

So Means travels with a delegation to Washington, D.C., and the media provides sensationalist coverage. Meanwhile, when a traditional buffalo killing is going on at an elementary school in Cannonball, North Dakota (on the Standing Rock Reservation), there's not an article to note how Euro-Americans and Lakota have put aside these silly racial constructs to share in a traditional AmerIndian custom. Whatever.