Sunday, June 15, 2008



Tecumseh said...

Maybe this is why Mac has little hope in America?

Tecumseh said...

And here is another: So you'd think McCain would favor an unbridled effort to reduce America's dependence on foreign oil. But he doesn't. There's an intellectual and political hole in McCain's position, a lack of coherence that hurts both his presidential campaign and that of Republican congressional candidates.

Precisely. The man just just doesn't think straight. Sorry, JJ, but that's how it is, irrespective of politics. We need a stronger, more intellectually coherent standard-bearer, and alas, Mac simply doesn't cut the mustard. Recall, he finished dead-bottom at Annapolis (more precisely, 894th out of 899), back in 1958. Doesn't this tell you something?

Mr roT said...

Tells me that 894 at Annapolis is beter than wherever Romney finished at Harvard (or whatever).

Tecumseh said...

From wiki: In 1975, Romney graduated from a joint Juris Doctor/Master of Business Administration program coordinated between Harvard Law School and Harvard Business School. He graduated cum laude from the law school and was named a Baker Scholar for graduating in the top five percent of his business school class. Not bad. At least it shows the guy can add.

Mr roT said...

Who would you rather have a beer with?
Who would you rather have in charge of defense?
Who would you rather have in charge of picking Supremes?

Tecumseh said...

Yada, yada, yada. JJ, you're simply evading any and all principled criticisms of McCain (like the ones brought forward here) by going off on tangents, instead of answering them head-on. To recap the two points raised here, for your benefit: (1) McCain is starting to sound like Michelle (and Pepe), having little hope for the US of A, and (2) his stance on energy policy (a crucial issue in this campaign) lacks coherence. We're not electing a beer buddy here -- but someone who will do something (hopefully, positive) about things, not just blow smoke.

Mr roT said...

You take from Fred Barnes anything? Saddening. Alzheimer's is much better.

Mr roT said...

...also, doing nothing would be much better than doing what Obama would do. As for Romney, he wouldn't win against anyone.

Pepe le Pew said...

“We have not always done things right and we mismanaged the war in Iraq very badly for nearly four years.”

This is a revolting statement. As a Republican, Mac ought to know it is not his place to speak critically of anything american. From now on, it's just rahrahrah from you, boy.

Tecumseh said...

The issue is not that he would criticize this and that -- of course he can, it's a free country. Rather, it's the sheer mendacity of it all -- as always, McCain is trying hard to ingratiate himself with the NYT-pinko crowd, but of course it never works, they'll just take it, and spit him in the face when the chips are down. Brilliant strategy -- not!

Mr roT said...

You have no way out of that argument, though. You say not to trust the MSM. So? What do you do then? Not talk to anyone?

Pepe le Pew said...

Maybe ai was hoping for a "you've done a great job, dubbyah" statement.

Pepe le Pew said...

But of course it never works, they'll just take it, and spit him in the face when the chips are down

Exactly what I think of the democrats who discover love for guns and the good lawd before election times. The republicans call their bluff & they piss off their base. Remember Hillary and her youth on the farm between hunts and church ?

Tecumseh said...

I agree: pinkos should stick to being pinkos, conservatives to being conservatives. Pussy-footing "maverick" games doesn't get you far.

Mr roT said...

Totally senseless.