Wednesday, October 08, 2008

A must have

Mail Goggles, available at Google Labs, tries to prevent drunk e-mailing by posing a few simple math problems that must be answered within a number of seconds before the message can be sent through Google's Web mail service, Gmail.

This reminds me of my flaming youth, when I had a personal test to decide whether I was drunk: I had to recall the double angle formula for sine. Do you think Google would use this test?


Mr roT said...

What's the double angle for sine? Is it like the Wronskian? (Powww!)

Tecumseh said...

FYI: sin(2x)=2sin(x)cos(x). If you knew that, you could make 125 K in NYC.

Mr roT said...

After visiting the school’s Web site and reading a New York Times article about the school, I realized it was not only legit, but potentially revolutionary in terms of education reform.

You need more than sine double. You need double cynicism. I'm ready though.

Tecumseh said...

125 K for teaching kids how to add and multiply doesn't sound bad to me. And Washington Heights has some pretty nice areas. You guys ever been to the Cloisters?

Mr roT said...

Nope. Cloisterfuck?