Saturday, March 13, 2010

Of course Tecs thinks this kind of talk is

counterproductive and prefers NE squishes like Mitt and Scott Brown.

REGURGE: Of course, Rot thinks this kind of talk is "extremist," and prefers squishes such as Mac.


Tecumseh said...

"Humankind"? Only pinko libtards use that term. In my dictionary, it's called mankind. As in, "That's one small step for [a] man, one giant leap for mankind" (you may have heard of that quote). So, at any rate, this is the proof that Inhofe is a squishy guy, unlike Mitt and Scotty.

Mr roT said...

Maybe he wanted to make perfectly clear (ring a bell?) that Boxer's getting boxed would benefit women too.

It's obvious even to Kos that getting rid of a dingbat woman in the Senate would be good for men.

Tecumseh said...

And for women, too, to be sure. But why mangle the Queen's English to achieve that noble purpose? No need to.

Mr roT said...

Women vote for commie pinko shitbag democrats way more than men do. I do not presume to say what is in women's best interests, or even in men's, but I think it's a theorem in probability that from a man's point of view, it is obvious that fewer pinko fucktard women in the Senate is a good thing.

I am sure a lot of pinko fucktard women out of the Senate would disagree and I am respectfully keeping to myself what I think is best for them.

It's just plain civiity, Tecs, to respect the political views of pinko fucktard broads.

Tecumseh said...

Hmmm... So where does your sweetheart Sarah Palin fit in this penetrating analysis of the body politic?

Arelcao Akleos said...

Well, Tecs, we can be sure that Palin ain't the Dick.

Mr roT said...

She's got more balls than Mittens though.

Tecumseh said...

Up in the air?