Saturday, March 13, 2010

Ralph Peters does a Rotten impersonation

You don't build character by punching your ticket at today's Ivy-League universities, then dashing straight into politics. You don't?


Tecumseh said...

Frankly, failure builds character -- in those who have the gumption to get back up on their feet and fight to succeed. Like Rot, after he totaled his Camaro, and then adopted public transportation?

Tecumseh said...

Our post-modern presidents can't even decide what to do with blood-soaked terrorists. I don't think that would've been a problem for Harry, Ike or the Gipper. You don't say.

Arelcao Akleos said...

Now don't be too hard on Rot; there is a chance that some Dame was vaguely responsible for his Camaro Mord.

Tecumseh said...

You'd think so? How? By distracting Rot while he was at the wheel? Or by attempting to fix said Camaro with some whiz-bang manipulations?

Tecumseh said...

That mauve color looks pretty awful.

Mr roT said...

Mexicans don't know from paint. BTW, it wasn't a hairpin. It was a roachclip. Duh on me.