Sunday, March 14, 2010

Rot pulling hard for cap and tax


Mr roT said...

Don't worry, Tecs. Kerry will screw it all up.

Tecumseh said...

Well, I hope so. How about Mr Hayseed? You acted like you never heard of him teaming up with Kerry when I told you that. Has it sunk in by now?

Mr roT said...

I am hoping he is being sly about this like when he showed Hölder's inequality to the task. I think teaming up with an idiot like Kerry is great. Discredits the whole enterprise and makes it look like GOP guy is playing along.

Perhaps Graham buys into this AGW BS or maybe SC has money to make off the boondoggle. Either way, I hope the measure fails, and I think it will in this, errr, climate.

Tecumseh said...

How come you didn't comment on my pic?

Mr roT said...

It's a nice pic, but not as juicy as some, for example this.

Tecumseh said...

How about this one? This guy Manny packs a punch, let me tell ya.

Mr roT said...
