Monday, March 08, 2010

Seems about right. I didn't think Rahm could be a retard

UPDATE: Tomasky asks Tecs' question and smells a raht.
REGURGE: Ace seems to be the one with the best headline for this story.
REGUPDATE: Another bus?
UPDATE: NYT schlumps around to the story from Axelrod's POV. Shock.
REGURGE: It's coming from the lefties? Does that make Tecs not Rove?


Tecumseh said...

Emanuel made his case to Obama, articulating the political dangers of a civilian trial to congressional Democrats. Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. presented a counterargument rooted in principle, for civilian trials.

David Axelrod, senior adviser to Obama, supported Holder, the source said. The president agreed that letting the Justice Department take the lead was the right thing to do.

Why would Rhambo say?

Mr roT said...

I think Emmanuel was talking to Lindsay Graham throughout.

Tecumseh said...

(Pinko crackup)^2.

Tecumseh said...

Great headline by Ace! BTW, who is this guy? I should bookmark him.

Tecumseh said...

Distant second headline.

Mr roT said...

Ace outdid himself in the first 'graf too. Then he slid into usual rage-drivel. It's worth copying though, in my opinion:

A few weeks back, a fairly extraordinary column issued from Washington Post twit Dana Milbank claiming that Obama was an airy-fairy buffoon and it was only the sharp and realistic Rahm Emmanuel keeping the administration afloat.

Mr roT said...

Erickson's post is well-titled and interesting too.

I wonder if he's right. Obama has been very hesitant to fire people once in. Napolitano is still there, for example.

Of course the bus was grinding bodies like crazy during the election, because back then, Obama figured he had to be accountable to the electorate. Now that he's in and has either calculated that only real schmucks don't get a second term or that he'll move up from the presidency of the US (to that of morally superior Zimbabwe or whatever), he hasn't done near as much firing as he should.

It would be just like the clueless Bambi to fire Rahm and not Jarrett and Axelrod, and so Erickson is credible in the "who" part.

I just don't buy the "if" part.

Could be that Rahm wants to go back to Chicago and really rake in the money and is telling everyone back home, "Hey, Obama's a disaster, but it ain't my fault! I can do the job if you elect me."

Tecumseh said...

Late stages of the Roman Empire...

Tecumseh said...

Nutroots are getting nuttier than usual? Can't be.

Mr roT said...

Here's Fruitnik, the HuffPo version of Andy McCarthy: "The Rahm Emanuel that Obama hired is the poster child for the timid, pseudo-pragmatism that is inimical to the idealistic Obama agenda so many excited voters responded to [in November 2008]," Froomkin wrote. "And it's a pragmatism that is absolutely killing the Democratic Party in the long run, because American voters have an intrinsic distrust of politicians they see as tacking with the polls or shying away from a fight."

Oh my God! If we allow a tiny move to the middle, we'll be either the Soviets (if you work for NR) or the Third Reich (if it's HuffPo you write for).


Tecumseh said...

Pox on both houses, eh, Mr Middle-of-the-Roader?

Mr roT said...

Tecs of the left: We did'nt elect Rahm Emanuel! We elected Obama based on his campaign promises of hope and change. That is not a center right position and neither is the country. Obama should fire him and get someone who is not a filthy mouthed thug, but someone who can get votes by respect and debate. Rahm is wrong for Obama and wrong for America. He should resign immediately!
BY SPKTRUTH on 03/07/2010 at 18:23

(from the Hill article)

Mr roT said...

Ooh, this guy is great!! God I hope Lanny Davis is NOT giving any advice to Obama! After all it was Lanny Davis who destroyed Honduras and caused the democratically elected President to fall only to be replaced with right wing dictator. Am sure the administrator will never permit this truthful comment to get published. The Hill appears to be a right wing group, are you?
BY SPKTRUTH on 03/07/2010 at 18:25

This is like AA in the mirror!!