Monday, March 08, 2010

Tecs! Don't laugh at AA's sandwich!

Ministry of Equality? Equality police. Equality courts. Equality prison. Equality chair.


Tecumseh said...

Where is the "Fuck the Teetotalers" label? Jeez, Herr Rott, try to make an effort and look for those labels when posting, willya? And try to be more imaginative than "Ukraine"...

Mr roT said...

Not my goddamn fault you don't understand the "Las Vegas" label. Why don't you go take a literature course or something.

Mr roT said...

Come to think of it, "Ukraine" is spot on. Thx.

Tecumseh said...

Las Vegas was OK, but FtT was missing. You can use \ge 2 labels when needed, you know, Herr Rott? Not. Rocket. Science.

Mr roT said...

Brevity is the soul of wit, saith the Bard.